Wednesday, December 12, 2018

The Best Christmas

I can honestly say that I was struggling with Pastor Brad Jurkovich's (PBJ) message series entitled, #TheBestChristmas. Oh, I knew that I needed a slight “heart” adjustment. I even  raised my hand to confessed  it and earnestly prayed about my attitude Sunday morning. 

I am not usually a “Grinch”, but I can make a list of situations in my little world that are not quite ideal this December. But as PBJ stated last Sunday, Jesus-the King of heaven and earth- was not born during “ideal” circumstances.  Born in a cave, he spent his first night in a feed trough for animals. (I am certain this is not how Mary had envisioned spending the first night with her first-born.) 

But I am human. So what is worse than being convicted of your bad attitude by your pastor? I’ll tell you. 
It is being convicted while listening to a recorded message by your first-born son! Ughhh!  Peyton was preaching about contentment and gratitude.  I even chimed-in with my own efforts to help him with an illustration while he was preparing.  Do not laugh!  I encouraged him to use my favorite Christmas movie, It’s a Wonderful Life!  Well... he did not, and I doubt that this black and white classic is a popular Christmas flick of college students.

    But the struggle is real, I confess. It is embarrassing.  The truth is that I continued to pray for God to give me “joy” this Christmas season. 

    Then early  Monday morning I heard the news mention that a call had come through to the Bossier City Fire Department, and First Bossier (FBB) was on fire! As it was shown from a camera near I-220, enormous flames appeared in the dark sky! After making a couple of calls, I woke up the boys to fill them in. And I prayed silently.

    You see, this was not the first fire at FBB. It was the second.

    A number of years ago when I was in middle school (or junior high as they called it back then) FBB had an electrical fire. (It happened to be the night my brother was baptized- so I remember it well!) The damage was not as extensive, but it was serious. Plastic blue folding chairs were placed into tidy rows on the gym floor.  (Today known as the Loft). This is where we met for worship at least for part of the time while repairs were being made.  Sunday School classes met in every tiny space available on that campus. It was not easy. I am certain that the logistics were quite difficult. But God used that fire to unify our church and community members when we needed it so.

    However, I do not remember the logistical issues as problems from the fire in mid 80s. I do not remember the inconveniences the fire caused with parking or loss of resources.  I do not remember bad attitudes concerning the overall difficulties the fire brought. 

    But I do remember...sitting in those blue plastic folding chairs and having to straighten them as we left. It gave  me a sense of ownership and investment even as a teenager. I remember listening a little more closely to the messages. The acoustics were less than perfect, but I was hanging onto every word.  I remember everyone loving each other a little more because we were on this unknown journey together. 

    Fast forward thirty-something years and there is another fire.  As many have seen the destruction caused from this massive inferno, it is a miracle that no one was seriously injured. Praise the Lord! 

    And knowing that in all the devastation:     1.)The cross in the children’s worship area still stands     2.)A large Bible from Faith Chapel survived -it appears untouched-despite the massive quantities of water that were pumped into Faith  Chapel for hours and hours     3.)The almost 5,000 OCC shoeboxes had already been sent to the final distribution center     4.) Celebrate Recovery met on Monday night as the hot spots still smoldered. Miraculously, Freedom Church provided the space for CR to meet with plenty of time to inform the members      5.)And HOLY SMOKE- which is kinda being used figuratively and literally -the Christmas lights came on at the church tonight while (my childhood friend from the nursery at FBB) Thomas Waggoner of the BCFD - Hero Division (my opinion of these firefighters, but who could argue?) watches and snaps photos! 

    Could this be #thebestChristmas? 

    I feel a little like George Bailey as he ran through the streets screaming, "Merry Christmas!” to all the people and places that hold special places in his heart.  
    Though a significant landmark, better yet, the familiar-  Holy Ground- that my parents, my boys, and so many of us hold so dear is forever changed- it not forgotten.The George Bailey in me wants shout as I mentally run through the charred church shell:
    • Merry Christmas you “ole recreation room” - where we ate those chewy cherry candies and drank Nehi Red from the vending machine while our parents were at visitation. Those times were a blast!  

    • Merry Christmas you “ole Bible Drill room” -where we learned to hide God’s word in our hearts due to the dedication of parents and other adults that loved us enough to invest in us as children! 
    • Merry Christmas you “ole youth area”- where we  drove BJ Rutledge crazy and clearly made him go bald early - he still invited us into his home for Core Group meetings - and loved us unconditionally! 
    • Merry Christmas you “ole nursery” where we ate Saltines like candy and got one tiny cup of red Koolaid. But we were loved by treasures like Mr. and Mrs. Casey, Mrs. Fazio, and Mrs. Carr! And made lifetime friends as we played. 
    • Merry Christmas you “ole sanctuary” where I walked the aisle to shake G. Barry Landrum’s hand and tell him that I had asked Jesus in my heart as a third grader
    • Merry Christmas you “ole baptistery” where I was baptized by Bro. Barry. (He always sang “Delta Dawn” to me! I thought he was so funny!)
    • Merry Christmas you ole “exterior holly bushes”- where we caught toads with life-long friends as our parents visited after Sunday night services
    • Merry Christmas you “ole youth choir room” where we practiced musicals and handbells, 😂😂😂, and sang “Immanuel” and “The Warrior is a Child” led by that precious Jerry Ables 
    • Merry Christmas you “ole fellowship hall” where we shared Wednesday night meals on those  round, mustard-trimmed porcelain plates and drank more Koolaid and or sweet tea from real glasses! And  as youth we ate Taco Bell or $0.29 smushy cheeseburgers from Mickey D’s after youth choir before Training Union began.
    • And Merry Christmas you ole “steeple”- a symbol to all as it points to the heavens reminding us of His unfailing love! God loved us so much that He sent His only son - King of Heaven and Earth- to be born humbly, to be fully God and fully man.  He did not sin but became sin for us so we could have a relationship with the Father.  

    Thank Lord for an attitude adjustment! Thank you for so many treasured memories with my family and friends!  

    Thank you for Bro. Barry- for loving me and making me laugh!  And Mrs. Charlotte, Laura (my idol), Gina, and Bud for your love and committment to my family and church. 
    Thank you that Doc Fred Lowery taught me about “Troubled Grace- when we get into trouble, God gives us the grace to handle the trouble!”- that "God's timing is ALWAYS perfect"!  And that “the most important thing we can do as a church is to pray!” We love you Mrs. Leigh, Christy, and Shelby since the day you arrived! I have not forgotten how I go to dress you girls up like little dolls. (We have pictures of that!)  Thank you PBJ, Stephanie, Cassidy, Carter, Caroline, and Catherine for leading us and staying during the tough times!  Certainly there will be more difficult times ahead, but He is in control!  Praying for God's guidance as you and our faithful FBB staff tirelessly seek His plan, His way.  I love you all! Merry Christmas!

    It is going to be #TheBESTChristmas!