Monday, May 14, 2012

Enemies of the Heart

What a sweet friend is Robyn Horton!!! She gave me this book a few months ago, and I read it that Sunday afternoon. ALL OF IT!!! It was just for me!!! i have since ordered several copies and downloaded it to my kindle as I plan to reread many times.  It is a book that touches all of us whether we want to admit it or not!
 (PT "says" he's reading his copy.....I'll give him a test on it this summer.--- He and I share many of the same personality traits- YIKES!!!!)
At the end of the book, it encourages parents to teach their children to have "heart checks" before too much damage is done. What a wise and beneficial character trait to possess as a young person....sure seems that would make life a little easier!  Thanks again Robyn for sharing with me.  You are a very special friend!  Check it out at\
Jer. 17:9    " The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?"