Wednesday, December 12, 2018

The Best Christmas

I can honestly say that I was struggling with Pastor Brad Jurkovich's (PBJ) message series entitled, #TheBestChristmas. Oh, I knew that I needed a slight “heart” adjustment. I even  raised my hand to confessed  it and earnestly prayed about my attitude Sunday morning. 

I am not usually a “Grinch”, but I can make a list of situations in my little world that are not quite ideal this December. But as PBJ stated last Sunday, Jesus-the King of heaven and earth- was not born during “ideal” circumstances.  Born in a cave, he spent his first night in a feed trough for animals. (I am certain this is not how Mary had envisioned spending the first night with her first-born.) 

But I am human. So what is worse than being convicted of your bad attitude by your pastor? I’ll tell you. 
It is being convicted while listening to a recorded message by your first-born son! Ughhh!  Peyton was preaching about contentment and gratitude.  I even chimed-in with my own efforts to help him with an illustration while he was preparing.  Do not laugh!  I encouraged him to use my favorite Christmas movie, It’s a Wonderful Life!  Well... he did not, and I doubt that this black and white classic is a popular Christmas flick of college students.

    But the struggle is real, I confess. It is embarrassing.  The truth is that I continued to pray for God to give me “joy” this Christmas season. 

    Then early  Monday morning I heard the news mention that a call had come through to the Bossier City Fire Department, and First Bossier (FBB) was on fire! As it was shown from a camera near I-220, enormous flames appeared in the dark sky! After making a couple of calls, I woke up the boys to fill them in. And I prayed silently.

    You see, this was not the first fire at FBB. It was the second.

    A number of years ago when I was in middle school (or junior high as they called it back then) FBB had an electrical fire. (It happened to be the night my brother was baptized- so I remember it well!) The damage was not as extensive, but it was serious. Plastic blue folding chairs were placed into tidy rows on the gym floor.  (Today known as the Loft). This is where we met for worship at least for part of the time while repairs were being made.  Sunday School classes met in every tiny space available on that campus. It was not easy. I am certain that the logistics were quite difficult. But God used that fire to unify our church and community members when we needed it so.

    However, I do not remember the logistical issues as problems from the fire in mid 80s. I do not remember the inconveniences the fire caused with parking or loss of resources.  I do not remember bad attitudes concerning the overall difficulties the fire brought. 

    But I do remember...sitting in those blue plastic folding chairs and having to straighten them as we left. It gave  me a sense of ownership and investment even as a teenager. I remember listening a little more closely to the messages. The acoustics were less than perfect, but I was hanging onto every word.  I remember everyone loving each other a little more because we were on this unknown journey together. 

    Fast forward thirty-something years and there is another fire.  As many have seen the destruction caused from this massive inferno, it is a miracle that no one was seriously injured. Praise the Lord! 

    And knowing that in all the devastation:     1.)The cross in the children’s worship area still stands     2.)A large Bible from Faith Chapel survived -it appears untouched-despite the massive quantities of water that were pumped into Faith  Chapel for hours and hours     3.)The almost 5,000 OCC shoeboxes had already been sent to the final distribution center     4.) Celebrate Recovery met on Monday night as the hot spots still smoldered. Miraculously, Freedom Church provided the space for CR to meet with plenty of time to inform the members      5.)And HOLY SMOKE- which is kinda being used figuratively and literally -the Christmas lights came on at the church tonight while (my childhood friend from the nursery at FBB) Thomas Waggoner of the BCFD - Hero Division (my opinion of these firefighters, but who could argue?) watches and snaps photos! 

    Could this be #thebestChristmas? 

    I feel a little like George Bailey as he ran through the streets screaming, "Merry Christmas!” to all the people and places that hold special places in his heart.  
    Though a significant landmark, better yet, the familiar-  Holy Ground- that my parents, my boys, and so many of us hold so dear is forever changed- it not forgotten.The George Bailey in me wants shout as I mentally run through the charred church shell:
    • Merry Christmas you “ole recreation room” - where we ate those chewy cherry candies and drank Nehi Red from the vending machine while our parents were at visitation. Those times were a blast!  

    • Merry Christmas you “ole Bible Drill room” -where we learned to hide God’s word in our hearts due to the dedication of parents and other adults that loved us enough to invest in us as children! 
    • Merry Christmas you “ole youth area”- where we  drove BJ Rutledge crazy and clearly made him go bald early - he still invited us into his home for Core Group meetings - and loved us unconditionally! 
    • Merry Christmas you “ole nursery” where we ate Saltines like candy and got one tiny cup of red Koolaid. But we were loved by treasures like Mr. and Mrs. Casey, Mrs. Fazio, and Mrs. Carr! And made lifetime friends as we played. 
    • Merry Christmas you “ole sanctuary” where I walked the aisle to shake G. Barry Landrum’s hand and tell him that I had asked Jesus in my heart as a third grader
    • Merry Christmas you “ole baptistery” where I was baptized by Bro. Barry. (He always sang “Delta Dawn” to me! I thought he was so funny!)
    • Merry Christmas you ole “exterior holly bushes”- where we caught toads with life-long friends as our parents visited after Sunday night services
    • Merry Christmas you “ole youth choir room” where we practiced musicals and handbells, 😂😂😂, and sang “Immanuel” and “The Warrior is a Child” led by that precious Jerry Ables 
    • Merry Christmas you “ole fellowship hall” where we shared Wednesday night meals on those  round, mustard-trimmed porcelain plates and drank more Koolaid and or sweet tea from real glasses! And  as youth we ate Taco Bell or $0.29 smushy cheeseburgers from Mickey D’s after youth choir before Training Union began.
    • And Merry Christmas you ole “steeple”- a symbol to all as it points to the heavens reminding us of His unfailing love! God loved us so much that He sent His only son - King of Heaven and Earth- to be born humbly, to be fully God and fully man.  He did not sin but became sin for us so we could have a relationship with the Father.  

    Thank Lord for an attitude adjustment! Thank you for so many treasured memories with my family and friends!  

    Thank you for Bro. Barry- for loving me and making me laugh!  And Mrs. Charlotte, Laura (my idol), Gina, and Bud for your love and committment to my family and church. 
    Thank you that Doc Fred Lowery taught me about “Troubled Grace- when we get into trouble, God gives us the grace to handle the trouble!”- that "God's timing is ALWAYS perfect"!  And that “the most important thing we can do as a church is to pray!” We love you Mrs. Leigh, Christy, and Shelby since the day you arrived! I have not forgotten how I go to dress you girls up like little dolls. (We have pictures of that!)  Thank you PBJ, Stephanie, Cassidy, Carter, Caroline, and Catherine for leading us and staying during the tough times!  Certainly there will be more difficult times ahead, but He is in control!  Praying for God's guidance as you and our faithful FBB staff tirelessly seek His plan, His way.  I love you all! Merry Christmas!

    It is going to be #TheBESTChristmas! 

    Tuesday, July 17, 2018

    "See-Ya-Later, Mr. Billy Don"

    Photos of my Daraja Choir family hang on my refrigerator. I see them every day! I pray that my Daraja boys are growing stronger physically and spiritually.  There are times that I get sad thinking that our paths may never cross again on this earth.  But my spirits are lifted when I think of heaven because I’m certain we will get to catch up there, if not before.   It has always been difficult to tell them  “goodbye” after only a short time- they are such precious souls. They always leave a lasting impression on your heart.  When it is time for them to leave, we don't say "Goodbye", we say, "See-Ya- Later" because we KNOW that we will be together again.  Much like the Daraja Choir, I prefer a “See-Ya-Later” to a “Goodbye” any day! And this has been a week chopped full of "See-Ya-Laters".

    Last week in Nashville, I hugged my friend Betsy and said, "See-Ya-Later” as she and one of my students, Evan, relocated to North Dakota. Military families are a special breed! Their sacrifices cannot be adequately measured or repaid.  This family made a lasting impression on my heart in the short time that they lived in Bossier City.  I already miss them!   

    Then there’s my Kasey. She’s a one-of-kind! How fun it was to share dinner and laughs with this special girl! But the clock doesn’t stop.  We exchanged hugs and "See-Ya-Laters" on Friday night.  By Saturday night,  I was back home in Bossier.

    And then this morning.... waking up to one of the toughest kind of “See-Ya-Laters”- the kind where you will only meet again in heaven.  

    I believe Mr. Billy Don Maples is best described as a "character"! I even can’t say his name without laughing.  Some may believe that Mrs. Sharon is the funny one, but I think she just followed his cues.  They were a comedy act individually and as a couple.  And I’m not sure who tells the biggest or the most hilarious stories.... it’s got to be a toss-up.  But there’s no doubt that they were made for one another!  

    One of my favorite stories is from Mr. BD’s and Dad’s running days. I can’t recall exactly which race this incident occurred, but it was probably the Red River Revel Run or Firecracker Race.  They were “regulars” on the circuit back in the day.  So the start gun fires and the crowded race begins.  It was a warm day in the South- it usually is.  At some point during the race, Mr. Billy Don sees someone wearing running shorts identical to the shorts that my dad had worn.  This person was being attended to by several paramedics. Mr. BD realizes it’s his buddy (my dad) so he selflessly hurries across the finish line!  After carefully documenting his race time, he sprints back to the ambulance and climbs in for a ride with his buddy to the hospital. He begins filling in the paramedics on my dad’s overall health, medical history, etc.  Eventually, he looks down at the patient and realizes that it’s NOT my dad! It’s a WOMAN!  Mr. BD escapes out of the back door of the ambulance for a quick getaway!!! He appears back at the finish line, finds my dad, and has to confess his hilarious predicament!  I don’t think dad ever let him live down the fact that he completed the race BEFORE checking on his injured buddy! 

    There’s no doubt that Mr. Billy is "entertaining" heaven at this very moment. Whether he’s telling stories about Charlie Greer during his baseball days at Airline or catching up with Mr. Max Rudd, Mr. Tom Ray, and Mr. Jerry McCarty about grandkids, he’s having the time of his life!!  And Mr. Billy is carefully calculating a sarcastic question to ask King Solomon,  just so he can enjoy the look on his face as he (King Solomon)  anticipates how to answer. 

    When I was in eighth-grade, the Greenacres Junior High FCA  took a trip to Baton Rouge.  Mrs. Sharon was the FCA sponsor, and Mr. Billy went for moral support - I assume.  (Who in their right minds would take a group of eighth-graders anywhere?)  On our trip, we visited the Louisiana Capitol Building so it was somewhat educational.   While in the Louisiana Capitol Building, Mr. Billy nonchalantly walked up to the hostess and asked, "Is Mr. Treen in?"  Without a snicker, he patiently waited as the poor hostess stumbled around trying to explain that Mr. Treen was no longer the governor and that he had been defeated by Governor Edwin Edwards the previous year.  I believe Mr. Billy responded by saying that he did not realize Governor Treen was no longer in office and walked away with a smirk and a wink.      

    More than a comedian, Mr. Billy was a man of God.  He was committed to the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. He had personally witnessed the difference that Jesus had made in the lives of so many young athletes. Also, Mr. Billy taught Sunday School to 5th-grade boys for years. Of course, the boys loved him because he was a one-of-a-kind!  Both of my boys were blessed to have him as their 5th-grade SS teacher. His godly influence will continue to impact their lives even as he is now in heaven. And this momma is very grateful that my boys had the opportunity to know him.

    Mr. Billy Don is healed. He is well.  He may possibly be running on the beaches to the theme song from "Chariots of Fire".  (Yes, he and my dad took the families to see this classic flick.  I must say it was a big yawn for us, meaning the kiddos, although as an adult- I heard it was really a good movie.) 

    So for now,  it is "See-Ya-Later" Mr. Billy Don.  Thank you for influencing my life and the lives of my boys for Jesus!  Thank you for being such a sweet friend to my mom and dad.  We love you and we know that we will "See-Ya-Later" because we have the hope of heaven.  

    "...weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning" Psalm 30:5b

    Mrs. Sharon,      
         Feel free to revise and edit as my proofreaders may have missed a few things.  It is quite unnerving to write knowing that your seventh grade English teacher will be reading it. LOL! Love you!

    Thursday, May 10, 2018

    Thank God for Broken Windshields

    A few Friday mornings ago, I was rushing around getting ready to leave the house earlier than usual.  I was testing students in Shreveport at 8AM,  and I did not want to get caught in North Bossier traffic.  My phone is almost always on silent - so when I picked up it to head out the door, I saw two missed calls from Nate. 

    Nate had left for school earlier than normal also. He had a 7 AM meeting  so I thought something might be wrong as he had already called twice.

    I quickly called him back. He explained that something medal flew up and hit his windshield near 2-20 and Viking Drive.  The object shattered the windshield terribly (according to him) so he pulled over at Chevron to call me. (Of course I didn’t answer - my phone was on silent)  He called his dad and explained the problem. They decided for him to continue to school since he was only about a minute away.   

    I could tell he was shaken up a little. I couldn’t decide if it was because he was worried about the busted windshield or because he was truly frightened.

    I remember praying, “Hello Lord, I’m administering a pretty important test today.  I can’t be late! I don’t have time to deal with this! This inconvenience does not fit into my jam-packed schedule today!

    Immediately, I was convicted.  Shouldn’t I be grateful that Nate wasn’t injured and that he was not involved in a wreck?

    I stopped and thanked the Lord that Nate was safe, and the shattered windshield was just a small “hiccup” in my very busy Friday. 

    After testing was over, I called my friends at Tim’s Paint and Collision to see if I could get a new windshield on Monday.  He assured me that he would handle it.  (He is most helpful and very trustworthy- visit him on North Market in North Shreveport)

    Of course I’m silently adding up how much this minor “hiccup” will cost me. 
    -New windshield
    -New wipers
    -New wiper blades
    -New inspection sticker

    All in a day’s work, right? 

    That night I went to the school to drive the truck home. (Nate was out of town on a school trip) When I saw the Yukon, I was stunned! “Shattered” hardly described that windshield. “Destroyed” was more like it.  I was worried that we wouldn’t be able to get it home without a cave-in.  The windshield was in a million pieces from the center bottom up and a spider web across the top.  Upon surveying the inside, I found tiny pieces of powdered shards on the dash! The driver’s side wiper blade had apparently served as a barrier that possibly blocked the medal object from piercing the window and hitting Nate. It was Unbelievable!!! 
    At that moment my entire mindset changed.   This “hiccup” in my day could have been so much worse.  It could have changed my life forever! It certainly grabbed my attention! And taught me a lesson! 

    Although replacing a windshield is not my idea of a “blessing”- it certainly was that day! When life throws us a curveball -- or even just a slight “hiccup”, we can find the good in it.  
    Romans 8:28 says, "And we know that all things work together for the good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose." 

    I am so thankful that Nate was not hurt! 
    I am so grateful for honest people that didn’t charge me an arm and a leg for a new windshield, wipers, blades, and even more! (Tim’s Paint and Collision)
    I am blessed to have had this experience so that I can slow down and recognize God’s goodness - even in the “hiccups” of life!