Saturday, October 30, 2021
Wednesday, October 20, 2021
Sunday, August 8, 2021
July 30, 2021- World Day Against Trafficking in Persons
Last Friday, July 30, 2021 was World Day against Trafficking Persons. Because it the the week before school begins, I did not get this blog posted as I had wished. Better late than never!
If we are honest with ourselves, there are just some things that we wish we didn't know. Things like the total amount of money that will be paid to purchase a car... or a home. Or the interesting ingredients that are found in your favorite hot dogs. What about the astonishing fact that McDonald's chicken nuggets come in four NAMED shapes? (yikes, and how many of those did I feed to my boys when they were young?) All of these are facts that we wish we didn't know.The list of "things-we wish-we didn't-know" grows more serious when the topic of sex trafficking is examined. "The Louisiana Attorney General's office reported a 200% increase in online sexual predator cases since the beginning of the pandemic" according to a press release on September 21, 2020. Shamefully, we have swept this problem under the rug.
We can no longer deny that our community, Shreveport-Bossier City, is a hub for child sex trafficking. Yes, you heard me correctly- CHILD sex trafficking. A 2016 Shreveport Times article reported that "102 of 172 sex trafficking victims in Louisiana in 2015 were children." It further states that "eighteen of those victims were under the age of twelve." (data from Department of Children and Family Services) We should not be surprised by this news. Shreveport-Bossier City is home to two interstate highways: I20 running east-west and I49 offering north-south transportation routes. These routes are quick pathways to larger cities.
Victims are sometimes sold by family members. Others are runaways that become trapped when a person makes them feel loved or understood. Some are kidnapping victims. They do not realize that they been preyed upon by vicious predators until it is too late. Regardless of the reason, it is modern day slavery and must be ended!
Denying the issue is no longer an acceptable response. As adults and protectors of our most valuable treasures, our children, we must be fully aware of the human/child trafficking crisis. Observe behaviors. Pay attention to situations that seem slightly off. Maintain constant conversations with your children, teens, and young adults. Make it your job to know who your children or teens are spending their time with. Know where they are. Keep the lines of communication open so they will talk to you about the people that they come in contact with. Teach them to exercise healthy boundaries. Tell them no. If you feel uncomfortable about a situation, it is your job as their guardian to "guard" them from harmful situations. Parenting is a difficult, 24-hour, 365-day a year job. Don't get lazy! And pray. Pray daily for God's protection over your child's life and the lives of their friends.
Treasures are items that are highly valued and extremely prized. When we cherish something or someone, we keep careful watch over it. It is precious and irreplaceable. Our children are treasures from the Lord. We must be on guard to protect the lives of our cherished children. Matthew 18:6 says, "But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea." Pray for the children and teens that are not raised in loving families. Be alert. And always protect the children!
Several years ago, Peyton made me a special gift for Mother's Day with the help of Chad Glover. It was simply a leather bracelet with the word "PURCHASED" embossed on it. I wear it proudly each day to remind myself of two things. First, that I was purchased- I was bought with the most precious blood of a sinless Savior. It reminds me of whose I am! Second, I wear it to remember to pray for our local "Purchased Ministry"and people in our area and those around the world that are part of the sex trafficking industry. We can no longer ignore this growing problem. Stand for those that cannot yet fight for themselves. It matters!
Tuesday, July 27, 2021
Here We Go Again...
People-- we have a problem. Americans, we have a problem. Teachers, we have a problem. Northwest Louisiana, we have a problem. If you read my Memorial Day post, you are clear about where I stand on discrimination. Discrimination is wrong on every level!
After hearing on KEEL Radio this morning about Caddo Parish's School Employee Directive on Covid-19 Leave for the 2021-2022 school year, I am highly alarmed! See .
For any employees that have reservations about the experimental jab, the images below were taken from a document shared with me. I named it "Questions for Employers Encouraging the Experimental Jab" to help all of us as we navigate this controversial process.
It is time for all of us to WAKE UP and hold those in leadership positions accountable- including the local, state, and national levels. It is time to think of the long-term effects mandates and quick behaviors have upon our families and our nation. America is the Land of the Free, only because of the Brave! Will you be brave enough to question the motives and actions of leadership, or will you simply comply with what you are told out of fear or apathy?
Monday, May 31, 2021
Memorial Day 2021
After reading the article, "Florida Concert Charging $18 for Vaccinated, $1,000 for Unvaccinated" from The Epoch Times, I was compelled to address the proverbial "elephant-in- the-room." I searched other sources about the breaking story before posting and each article provided almost the same information. Here are several other sources about the story:
To Whom It May Concern:
I have a few questions related to the article in The Epoch Times this morning. The article reports on the difference in concert ticket prices for vaccined and unvaccinated persons. According the the article, vaccinated people may purchase tickets to the concert featuring punk band, Teenage Bottlerocket, for $18 in advance and $20 at the door. For unvaccinated persons wanting to attend the concert, the price is $999.99. Immediately, a red flag flies up in my mind! And the question: Why?
According to the article, would-be concert-goer, Brittney Wigen, recently had the Covid-19 virus and still has the antibodies against the virus. She stated that she could obtain a doctor's note regarding her antibodies, but she does not want to take an experimental vaccine when it is not necessary for her at this time. Paul Williams, the concert promoter, said he would not accept a doctor's note about (Brittney's) or other concert goers' conditions because he is not a doctor. Oh really? Again, another red flag. That makes two flags waving violently inside my head.
According to, the second listed definition of discrimination is "treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person belongs rather than on individual merit". The article from The Epoch Times clearly states that Brittney Wigen possess the Covid-19 antibodies. If she is clinically immune at this time, why would she be forced to pay the higher ticket price? What is the goal here? Safety for all concert-goers? If she is a threat to no one including those that have been vaccinated, I am only left to assume that Brittney is suffering from discrimination.
After hearing of Brittney's circumstances, Ray Carlisle, singer and guitar player for Teenage Bottlerocket, offers a suggestion for those without the vaccine. In a somewhat derogatory comment included in the article, Carlisle states that those without the vaccine should create a Go-Fund Me and "all the other weirdo anti-vaxxers can help support you going..." to the upcoming concert. In other words, "Let them eat cake!"
If that isn't discrimination, I'm not sure what is. However the very definition of discrimination changes to suit the current situation. The word "discrimination" is even being used as a weapon, a scare tactic to force submission. Well, I'm calling foul! With God's help, no longer will I conform or back down to scare the tactics or bullies that try to accuse me of something that I know is not true.
When the illogical is deemed logical, --- something is strangely amiss. We need an army of engaged thinkers to rise-up and ask the tough questions.
As an educatior when my students ask questions, I am confident that they are engaged. We the People must transition into a nation of free-thinking, engaged Americans. Become an engaged student. Ask questions. Look for logic. Search for truth. Trust, but verify. Take responsibility for yourself and for future generations.
We the People must get out of the stands and get into the game! For far too long, many of us have allowed members of our US Military to fight our battles. Our military heroes and heroines (and their families) did not sacrifice for temporary or trivial beliefs. Not at all! Their sacrifice was and continues to be for the foundational principles that were ordained by God. These principles are so clearly stated in the Declaration of Independence.
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created
equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain
unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the
pursuit of Happiness."
On Memorial Day as we remember those soldiers and their families that paid the ultimate price for freedom, let us be grateful citizens that never forget their sacrifice. Let us take ownership of the responsibilities that we have been allowed only by the sacrifices of others that have gone before us. Finally, let us take an active role by investing our time and talents in our local communities. Only then will our nation begin to move back toward the ideals and principles that led our forefathers to establish this great nation, the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave.
I challenge you to begin today! Get involved! Do something! Ask those difficult questions. Start healthy conversations with family, friends, and co-workers that others shy away from. Resolve to stand for your beliefs. Understand that many will disagree with you. Determine to disagree without being disagreeable. Grow your love for others as you learn more about their opinions, hurts, and fears. And to think that it began on Memorial Day 2021 with an article about a ticket to a punk rock concert in Florida.
Your friend,
Patriot Princess Lucy
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
Lessons from the Harbinger II
I love the Big Apple! I had the opportunity to live there for six weeks in 2014 while enrolled in a practicum class. My partner-in-crime, Kim Slack, and I devoted those summer days to learning to teach students with dyslexia. But during our free time, we marched all over Manhattan. We had many sites to check-off of our Big Apple list in order to get the "full-experience."
Having just read The Harbinger by Jonathan Cahn, I added some historical landmarks to this ever-growing list. One warm afternoon, Kim and I made our way to the oldest part of Manhattan to experience Freedom Hall and locate George Washington's Bible. (Yes, I'm a nerd! I have pictures of George Washington's Bible as it was displayed under the glass case in the Freedom Hall museum.) This was the Bible that our first President used as he was sworn into office.
While living in the Big Apple, Kim and I shared many special memories. We often reflect on our "learning experiences" from our time there. So last spring, our hearts were deeply burdened by the black cloud that seemed to engulf the area. Covid-19 was attacking that region with a vengeance. As classrooms and businesses shut down across our nation, our office also decided to work remotely. Each morning as I prepared for my Zoom classes from my kitchen table, I watched daily updates on Fox & Friends. Devastating reports from New York continued in a downward spiral with many elderly suffering the worst fate; they died alone in nursing homes. It was a huge punch in the gut to so many family members of these beloved seniors. Little "Mrs. Sunshine", Fox & Friends' metorologist, Janice Dean, did not escape the horror. Always perky and positive no-matter-the-weather forecast, poor Janice was heart-broken. Truly devastated. Janice Dean lost both her mother-in-law and father-in-law during this time.
Politics, power, and personality certainly played an enormous role in the deaths of these seniors. It continues to be debated everyday- ALL DAY in the news media and on social media. Regardless of your position on this issue, we can all agree that the loved ones left behind are dealing with deep emotional hurt. Many of their wounds are just beginning to heal. It is my hope and prayer that as Americans can unite in praying for these families and learn valuable lessons so this crisis never happens again.
As I remember the dark cloud of death and disease that seemed to linger over New York, I asked the question, Why? Why had that region of our country seemingly suffered more than any other? Kim and I had made so many precious friends during our stay that summer of 2014. To consider that our precious friends were suffering this devastation was unthinkable. Hadn't these people suffered enormously just a few years before during the September 11th attacks?
As I wrestled with the Lord to try to understand, He reminded me of His holiness. Because He is holy and just, God disciplines those He loves. That was the message that He continued to reveal to me. It's Biblical. We can trace it time and time again in the Bible. This nation, We the People- ME INCLUDED - have turned our backs on Holy God. We have not allowed Him to be first place in our hearts and lives. We have been too busy chasing the "American Dream" instead of standing guard over the American Dream. It was only by Divine Providence that we defeated the British over two hundred years ago. But, We the People have allowed sin to creep into our lives little by little. A slow fade.
The "Trust but Verify" Policy slipped away with President Reagan. We the People allowed candidates with little regard for God's laws to be elected and/or appointed to offices at the city, state, and national levels. These godless leaders pursued falsified agendas. This corrupt leadership on both sides of the aisle continued to gain power-- ALOT of power-- TOO much power. When We the People gave them an inch, they took one-hundred miles! We ignored their immoral behaviors as we continued to pursue our "American Dream."
Less than fifty years ago the Roe v. Wade (1973) decision legalized abortions in our country. How far we drifted in such a realatively short amout of time! As a fifth-grader in 1982, I remember feeling privileged to accept a New Testiment Bible from the Gideons in my public school. In 1993, I began teaching in public school, and I remember when my students received New Testement Bibles from the Gideons. Yep. So much has changed in a relatively short amount of time. New Testement Bibles being given out in the public school in 2021 simply does not happen. It seems like a lifetime ago, but it wasn't. Please forgive us, Lord Jesus.
While We the People were busy making money, climbing the corporate ladder, raising our children, or just trying to keep our heads above water, we lost our way. We the People forgot or neglected the foundational principles that our country was built upon. We the People lost our purpose. We failed to reflect on the past. We grew accustom to conviences- fast food, convience stores, food delivery services. We the People lived for instant gratification. When crucial issues arose, We the People did not have time to work these issues into our busy, selfish schedules. We the People became lazy and trusted that someone else would fight for our foundational beliefs. Shame. On. Us. While we were so terribly distracted- We the People- lost sight of our most precious gift- the gift of life. Our children. Our future.
In early January, I listened to Jonathan Cahn's Harbinger II audiobook. I definately reccommend it, and I do not want to reveal too much as it is full of valuable information. However, there is one specific element explained in the book that I want share as it relates to New York and our entire country. Cahn explains in The Harbinger II that the Hindu goddess, Kali was projected onto the south side of the Empire State Building in 2015. This display was reportedly in efforts to raise awareness about wildlife extinction.(I'm not buying that any way you slice it- but judge for yourself.) If you know me, you can be certain that I researched the goddess, Kali immediately. And let me tell you- if I had seen her giant image projected and onto the side of the Emipre State Building as a child, I would have suffered from nightmares for weeks possibly years! Look it up. It is startling! But as an adult, it is even more disturbing! From the buddah garden, this Hindu goddess represents "distruction and dissolusion". (Not my words- visit the link) Kali means, "the Black One", and she is known to destroy ignorance. Her frightening appearance features "wild eyes, a protruding tongue, and a bloody sword." That is a mild description. There is definately more to her disturbing story. But don't take my word for it- do your own research.
So in 2015, the Empire State Building projects the image of Kali, Hindu goddess of distruction. Less than five years later, ambulance lights flashed to atop the Empire State Building to honor the first responders in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. Quite a contrast. First a symbol of distruction is displayed followed by a distress call only four years later? The symbols tell the story.
Hindu goddess, Kali Ambulance LightsWhile We the People were busy being BUSY, we allowed ungodly and corrupt leaders to gain political power and run or ruin our land. This is unacceptable! It will not be tolerated! It is now TAKE-BACK Time!
We the People must reassess our values!
We the People must determine our non-negotiable principles and foundational beliefs!
And We the People must STAND strong and stand together!
As in 1776, the only way We the People will win this battle for liberty is by the grace of God. There will only be a Take-Back if He allows our efforts to be successful. We are in the final hours. We the People must repent and pray.
To quote the "recently-canceled" children's author Dr. Seuss from his famous book, The Lorax:
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, Nothing is going to get better. It's not."
Powerful words found in a children's classic.
Yet it is in the God-breathed scriptures that I find hope and much-needed wisdom. These are the words that God spoke to King Solomon about the nation of Israel. I believe they are true for America today.
2 Chronicles 7:14 "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land."
Monday, March 1, 2021
Hooray for Diffendoofer Day- Celebrate Read Across America, HBD Dr. Seuss and Mom!!!
Hooray for Diffendoofer Day was a project that Dr. Seuss began before his death in 1991. He had sketches drawn and verses written, but he had not completed the book. Author Jack Prelutsky contributed to the previously written script while illustrator Lane Smith added his drawings to compliment Dr. Seuss's sketches. This book is collaboration at its finest.
Definitely one of my favorite books, this story features a teacher named "Miss Bonkers"! Who wouldn't want to read this interesting story!? But the text is much more than an entertaining rhyme. It sends a clear message about the importance of celebrating individual talents and abilities. And it praises people for their expertise in a variety of areas that aren't always recognized and appreciated. In essence, it validates individuals and highlights the attributes that make each person unique.
Psalm 139:14 says, "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." The God of the universe created each of us with special gifts and talents. Dr. Seuss, Jack Prelutsky, and Lane Smith celebrate these God-given talents in this special book.
Dr. Seuss was once again ahead-of-his-time when he jotted his notes and sketches for this book. Although the gifts and talents that make one unique are highlighted, the theme focuses on the dreadful "standardized testing cycle". In my opinion, the theme is painted so cleverly that Dr. Seuss's view on this single issue cannot be misunderstood. While I enjoy analyzing data, (possibly a little more than the next person) test scores should never define the worth of our students. It is important for school administrations, educators, parents, and students to remember that test scores are only one path for measuring learning. And for some students, pencil-paper and/or computer-generated test do not accurately measure their development and intelligence.
If you have not read the book, you may want to listen to it here.
The principal, Mr. Lowe - the one with the fluffy eyebrows- nervously announced to the students of the Diffendoofer School that the time had come to administer the dreaded, standardized test. The students were not nervous; they well-prepared for the assessment. These students had learned many different skills, and they possessed one more "secret weapon". These student knew how to think. They could THINK. What a novel idea! Teaching students to think- allowing them to think- and validating their thoughts and ideas!
It reminds me of a special group with big ideas that faced many hardships and disappointments. A couple hundred years ago, these were the ones that thought and dreamed about creating an new country unlike any other, the United States of America. It was the American Patriots that followed their thoughts, dreams, and prayers of liberty and freedom. Because of God's great providence, this rag-tag Continental Army drove the well-trained British Red Coats back across the pond. And it is my belief that the Revolutionary War was won, not because of superior war-fare tactics, BUT due to the extensive spy ring that General Washington developed to gain intel on our enemies. To put it simply--- WE OUTSMARTED THEM!
So it is quite disturbing when students are not encouraged to develop their talents and abilities. The United States is in critical need of students that are taught problem-solving, analytical, and logical-thinking skills. These skills must be taught and practiced. Often. Daily. Because there IS more than one way to skin a cat, these learning strategies must be shared or communicated within the classroom. For example, three students may work separately a single math problem three different ways. Each student may calculate the answer correctly. When each student can explain the steps used to solve the given problem that equals success.
Today let's celebrate Dr. Seuss, Read Across America Day, our unique God-given talents, and our ability to think!
Celebrate all-star athletes, authentic authors,
Energetic educators, abstract artists,
The bare-handed builders that work in the sun,
The power-thinkers that work until the job's done!
The young, the old, the big and small -
Each offers unique gifts that should be celebrated by all!
Happy Birthday, Mom and Dr. Seuss!!!
Sunday, February 28, 2021
Read Across America and Cancel Culture?
Not many years ago, Dr. Seuss was labeled "progressive." Several of his most famous books including The Butter Battle Book and The Lorax were considered "controversial". With themes related to the nuclear arms race or conserving our natural resources, perhaps Dr. Seuss was ahead of his time. Yet, it was his seemingly-simple books that led to the best conversations, creations, and ideas from my students! Dr. Seuss's books invigorated students (and their teachers) on March 2nd each year.
So one can only imagine my surprise after reading that the Loudoun County Public Schools in Virginia chose to "Cancel Dr. Seuss" citing racial undertones.
See the following link for the article.
Baffling. If I thought for one minute that this was true, I would have never used these books in my classroom. Not one single time did I ever detect any racism. Never. And just in case I missed it, at least one of the hundreds of students that transitioned through my classroom for over twenty years would have noticed. AND that student would have mentioned it to his/her parents who would have certainly informed me that there was a problem. It did not happen. Not one time.
So canceling Dr. Seuss aka Read Across America Day is a problem for me on many levels.
First, reading is a complex skill. Students learn to read at different rates. Research shows that one in five people suffer from dyslexia or other language based learning disabilities. (Dyslexic students often require a structured, multi-sensory, Orton Gillingham-based literacy program.) Comprehension involves six complicated skills, therefore the challenging task of learning to read should be celebrated!
Next, reading provides freedom. It allows us to escape into a fantasy world, travel back in time to historical events, study newly-discovered data, and determine the ingredients needed to create one's favorite dessert. This seemingly simple skill is a requirement even for small tasks and should never be taken for granted. This freedom most definately demands to be celebrated!
Finally, reading provides the groundwork needed to begin a variety of conversations. Whether it results from an incredible sports play described in an internet article, the debate of a Shakespearean play during English class, or the dialogue exchange about a Biblical passage during your small group, reading leads to liberation. It sparks creative conversations leading to new inventions and provides essential information necessary for panel discussions. Reading promotes growth both personal growth and growth in our society. The ability to read is truly liberating.
For these reasons, I do not understand why Loudoun County Public School would choose to cancel Read Across American Day and Dr. Seuss.
When the illogical is deemed logical, I am forced to ask difficult questions.
- What would be the reasons to cancel the celebration of Dr. Seuss and reading?
- Is reading not important to this school system anymore?
- Does the current administration desire for their students to be forever dependent upon the bureaucracy? Why?
- Why would a school district stop reading books by Dr. Seuss after so many years? (Will teachers be allowed to show the Seuss-inspired movies with a Hollywood spin?)
- Is this "Cancel Culture" behavior due to the themes in Dr. Seuss's books? (Many of his themes encourage conversation and promote creativity and logical thinking.)
- Could this public school system in Virginia want to crush creativity and problem-solving strategies in their students? Why?
Friday, February 19, 2021
Ruby Bridges- "Guard Your Heart"
Proverbs 4:23 says, "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." (NIV) As I continue to learn from this verse, I am reminded of Ruby Bridges. She is such a unique character in the history of our great nation.
Ruby was born September 8, 1954. The ruling for Brown vs. the Board of Education was also decided the year Ruby was born. Just six years later, Ruby was asked to something that required enormous courage. She was one of six African American students that tested (the previous year) and scored high enough to be elgible for enrollment in her neighborhood school. The William Frantz School, located in New Orleans, was Ruby's neighborhood school.
Integration was no easy task. Ruby was the only African American student chosen to integrate her neighborhood school. The only one! Can you imagine? US Marshals escorted Ruby along with her mother to school the first day. There were barricades and screaming mobs. Thankfully, little Ruby associated the baracades and loud mobs with Mardi Gras celebrations. However, her innocence was quickly stolen. No one at William Frantz School was prepared to teach Ruby on her first day. Most of the families had chosen to keep their students home in protest.
Barbara Henry from Boston was new to the William Frantz School and agreed to teach Ruby. Ruby was the only student in her class. Mrs. Henry taught Ruby while helping her with her feelings and emotions of being ostracized.
Each day she was escorted to school by US Marshals. When Ruby had to use the restroom, they escorted her. One morning as Ruby walked into school she heard a woman in the crowd threaten to poison her. After that event, Ruby stopped eating the lunch that her mom prepared for her each day. Ruby began to suffer from nightmares. Eventually, she saw child psychologist, Dr. Robert Coles, who volunteered his time due to his concern for Ruby. When the school janitor found a rodent problem in Mrs. Henry's classroom, he and Mrs. Henry discovered that Ruby had been hiding her lunches in a cabinet. She had been too frightened to eat them. The hateful woman's threat had really bothered Ruby and caused her to be fearful of eating her lunch prepared at home. When Mrs. Henry realized the issue, she began bring Ruby a lunch from her home for the remainder of the year.
One morning another person in the crowd proudly displayed a wooden coffin with a black doll inside. I cannot begin to imagine the intense emotions that six-year-old Ruby was facing. (People can be so very hateful. We often see their "true colors" when they don't get their way.)
But Ruby was not the only one that was being tormented. Her father lost his job. Her grandparents were forced to move from the land that they had worked on as sharecroppers for over twenty-five years. The family was banned from the local grocery store where they had shopped in the past. Unbelievable!
But eventually, Ruby's community - blacks and whites - showed support and kindness to Ruby and her family in various ways. Some of the neighbors watched Ruby's home as protectors. Another neighbor provided Ruby's father with a job. Several walked behind the US Marshals on trips to and from school each day. Eventually, some of the students returned to school.
One morning as Mrs. Henry watched Ruby and her escorts, she noticed that Ruby stopped and mouthed words as if she was talking to the crowd. When she entered the classroom, Mrs. Henry told Ruby that she had never observed her stop and address the crowd before. Ruby informed Mrs. Henry that she was not speaking to the crowd, but she was simply saying a prayer as she did everyday. Ruby went on to explain that she usually prayed before turning the corner on her way to and from school each day. But this day, Ruby had forgotten to pray. After realizing this, she stopped and prayed for her tormentors in the heat of the battle just before entering William Frantz Elementary School.
Later one of Ruby's escorts, Federal Marshal Charles Burkes, reported that Ruby never cried or whimpered. He stated, "She just marched along like a little soldier."
How could a six-year-old girl change American History? How did she fight this overwhelming battle without engaging her enemies? I think I might know.
Ruby guarded her heart. She was a six-year-old girl determined to "guard her heart". It is remarkable to say the least.
The prayer that she prayed twice daily is reported to be this:
"Please God, try to forgive these people because even if they say those bad things, they don't know what they are doing. So, You could forgive them, just like You did those folks a long time ago when they said terrible things about You."
Well if that doesn't step on your toes, I don't know what will!
Ruby Bridges loved people and forgave people, just like Jesus. She guarded her heart. I love the story of Ruby Bridges. It inspires me to practice love and forgiveness. It remind me to "guard my heart above all because it is the well-spring of life." It compels me to pray for my enemies even when I'm not feeling it- "because they don't know what they are doing".
My prayer is that God makes me strong enough to establish my boundaries, yet sensitive enough to pray for my enemies. Even when it doesn't make sense.
Here is the book that I sugguest reading to children if you are a teacher, parent, grandparent, aunt, or uncle:
Other source to learn more about Ruby Bridges:
Friday, February 12, 2021
Wednesday, January 20, 2021
You can call me crazy; it's fine with me. But I can tell you of numerous stories of God's perfect timing. He's shown up in my life every time I've ever asked Him to and even during times that I didn't! His timing is always perfect, and I know that I can trust Him no matter what!
Allow me to explain...
My literature and American History classes read George Washington's Secret Six (by Brian Kilmeade and Don Yaeger) before the Christmas holidays as it paired nicely with our American History textbook. And as usual, I discovered some valuable insight about the American Revolution that I was not previously aware of. It fascinated me so that I asked my students to choose four miracles that occurred during the revolution and write about each. (They only had to choose four -although there were many more!) Pride swelled in my heart as I read their writings about these special events. My pride shifted to gratitude as I pondered the blessing of my birthright. Had I ever really considered that only by "Devine Providence" (or blessings from the Almighty God) had this nation won its freedom from the king? Probably not, but God was beginning to get my attention.
Not even a week after New Year's Day, my patriotism took a nose-dive while watching the Congress approve the 2020 Presidential Election. While I've experienced many highs and lows during the entire election process, I knew where to look for consistancy. The Word of God- it never changes. And that was exactly where I was looking for answers to uncertain times.
Last Wednesday night, I began the Take Courage: A Study of Haggai Bible Study by Jennifer Rothschild. Immediately, the Lord used this study to speak to my heart. Each day, the passages I studied were so relevent to my life. It was almost as if I was living in Old Testament days. Words of comfort, reminders of His constant faithfulness, and commands reminding me not be discouraged. I know it sounds crazy. But He truly knows every detail of my life. And yours, too. He cares for me. He cares for you. And most importantly, I have found Him faithful. Time after time, He is always faithful. And He is worthy to be trusted.
On January 20, 2021, my bible study read, Day 5: The Prophet, The Politician, and The Priest. Surprising? Not really. That's the way He works. He knows all about me and loves me anyway. He knows my anxious thoughts and my spirit of fear. And He wants me to rest in Him. So when I read the following:"No matter how high the office, no man is higher than the Most High. Think of it like this: America doesn't just elect a new commander-in-chief every four years to be president. God, the Commander of the universe, allows a person to be president. The Most High, our God, has got this! God is sovereign and in ultimate control, even over what seems totally crazy and out-of-control. God is ultimately in charge of those who are in charge- prophets, priests, and yes, even politicians (Rom. 13:1)." (Jennifer Rothschild, Take Courage: A Study of Haggai pp.29)Say what? I had to laugh to myself. And then gasp, as I tried to comprehend that the God of the universe has a specific message for me today! As I turned the page, it read:
"So trust His process." (pp. 30).Once again I was comforted - on a day that should be anything but comforting. The message from the King of Kings to me is clear. Take Courage! Hold the Line! The Great I Am is in total control! So keep praying and keep the faith! Sleep tight! I am confident that God isn't finished with America yet! How do I know? I asked Him and that is what He showed me today. January 20, 2021. Inauguration Day.