Wednesday, January 20, 2021


You can call me crazy; it's fine with me. But I can tell you of numerous stories of God's perfect timing. He's shown up in my life every time I've ever asked Him to and even during times that I didn't! His timing is always perfect, and I know that I can trust Him no matter what! 

                    Allow me to explain...

My literature and American History classes read George Washington's Secret Six (by Brian Kilmeade and Don Yaeger) before the Christmas holidays as it paired nicely with our American History textbook.  And as usual, I discovered some valuable insight about the American Revolution that I was not previously aware of. It fascinated me so that I asked my students to choose four miracles that occurred during the revolution and write about each. (They only had to choose four -although there were many more!) Pride swelled in my heart as I read their writings about these special events.  My pride shifted to gratitude as I pondered the blessing of my birthright. Had I ever really considered that only by "Devine Providence" (or blessings from the Almighty God) had this nation won its freedom from the king? Probably not, but God was beginning to get my attention.

Not even a week after New Year's Day, my patriotism took a nose-dive while watching the Congress approve the 2020 Presidential Election.  While I've experienced many highs and lows during the entire election process, I knew where to look for consistancy.  The Word of God- it never changes. And that was exactly where I was looking for answers to uncertain times. 

Last Wednesday night, I began the Take Courage: A Study of Haggai Bible Study by Jennifer Rothschild. Immediately, the Lord used this study to speak to my heart.  Each day, the passages I studied were so relevent to my life. It was almost as if I was living in Old Testament days.  Words of comfort, reminders of His constant faithfulness, and commands reminding me not be discouraged.  I know it sounds crazy. But He truly knows every detail of my life. And yours, too. He cares for me.  He cares for you. And most importantly, I have found Him faithful.  Time after time, He is always faithful. And He is worthy to be trusted. 

On January 20, 2021, my bible study read, Day 5: The Prophet, The Politician, and The Priest. Surprising? Not really. That's the way He works.  He knows all about me and loves me anyway. He knows my anxious thoughts and my spirit of fear. And He wants me to rest in Him. So when I read the following: 

"No matter how high the office, no man is higher than the Most High. Think of it like this: America doesn't just elect a new commander-in-chief every four years to be president. God, the Commander of the universe, allows a person to be president. The Most High, our God, has got this! God is sovereign and in ultimate control, even over what seems totally crazy and out-of-control. God is ultimately in charge of those who are in charge- prophets, priests, and yes, even politicians (Rom. 13:1)." (Jennifer Rothschild, Take Courage: A Study of Haggai  pp.29)

Say what?  I had to laugh to myself. And then gasp, as I tried to comprehend that the God of the universe has a specific message for me today! As I turned the page, it read:

    "So trust His process." (pp. 30).

Once again I was comforted - on a day that should be anything but comforting.  The message from the King of Kings to me is clear. Take Courage! Hold the Line! The Great I Am is in total control!  So keep praying and keep the faith! Sleep tight! I am confident that God isn't finished with America yet!  How do I know? I asked Him and that is what He showed me today. January 20, 2021. Inauguration Day.


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