Monday, March 1, 2021

Hooray for Diffendoofer Day- Celebrate Read Across America, HBD Dr. Seuss and Mom!!!

 Hooray for Diffendoofer Day was a project that Dr. Seuss began before his death in 1991. He had sketches drawn and verses written, but he had not completed the book. Author Jack Prelutsky contributed to the  previously written script while illustrator Lane Smith added his drawings to compliment Dr. Seuss's sketches.  This book is collaboration at its finest. 

Definitely one of my favorite books, this story features a teacher named "Miss Bonkers"! Who wouldn't want to read this interesting story!? But the text is much more than an entertaining rhyme.  It sends a clear message about the importance of celebrating individual talents and abilities. And it praises people for their expertise in a variety of areas that aren't always recognized and appreciated.  In essence, it validates individuals and highlights the attributes that make each person unique.  

Psalm 139:14 says, "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." The God of the universe created each of us with special gifts and talents.  Dr. Seuss, Jack Prelutsky, and Lane Smith celebrate these God-given talents in this special book.  

Dr. Seuss was once again ahead-of-his-time when he jotted his notes and sketches for this book. Although the gifts and talents that make one unique are highlighted, the theme focuses on the dreadful "standardized testing cycle". In my opinion, the theme is painted so cleverly that Dr. Seuss's view on this single issue  cannot be misunderstood.  While I enjoy analyzing data, (possibly a little more than the next person) test scores should never define the worth of our students.  It is important for school administrations, educators, parents, and students to remember that test scores are only one path for measuring learning.  And for some students, pencil-paper and/or computer-generated test do not accurately measure their development and intelligence.  

If you have not read the book, you may want to listen to it here. 

The principal, Mr. Lowe - the one with the fluffy eyebrows- nervously announced to the students of the Diffendoofer School that the time had come to administer the dreaded, standardized test.  The students were not nervous; they well-prepared for the assessment. These students had learned many different skills, and they possessed one more "secret weapon". These student knew how to think. They could THINK. What a novel idea! Teaching students to think- allowing them to think- and validating their thoughts and ideas! 

It reminds me of a special group with big ideas that faced many hardships and disappointments. A couple hundred years ago, these were the ones that thought and dreamed about creating an new country unlike any other, the United States of America. It was the American Patriots that followed their thoughts, dreams, and prayers of liberty and freedom.  Because of God's great providence, this rag-tag Continental Army drove the well-trained British Red Coats back across the pond.  And it is my belief that the Revolutionary War was won, not because of superior war-fare tactics, BUT due to the extensive spy ring that General Washington developed to gain intel on our enemies.  To put it simply--- WE OUTSMARTED THEM! 

So it is quite disturbing when students are not encouraged to develop their talents and abilities. The United States is in critical need of students that are taught  problem-solving, analytical, and logical-thinking skills. These skills must be taught and practiced. Often. Daily.  Because there IS more than one way to skin a cat, these learning strategies must be shared or communicated within the classroom. For example, three students may work separately a single math problem three different ways.  Each student may calculate the answer correctly.   When each student can explain the steps used to solve the given problem that equals success.  

Today let's celebrate Dr. Seuss, Read Across America Day, our unique God-given talents, and our ability to think!

                 Celebrate all-star athletes, authentic authors,
                 Energetic educators,  abstract artists,
bare-handed builders that work in the sun,
                 The power-thinkers that work until the job's done!
                 The young, the old, the big and small -
                 Each offers unique gifts that should be celebrated by all! 

Happy Birthday, Mom and Dr. Seuss!!!




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