I love the Big Apple! I had the opportunity to live there for six weeks in 2014 while enrolled in a practicum class. My partner-in-crime, Kim Slack, and I devoted those summer days to learning to teach students with dyslexia. But during our free time, we marched all over Manhattan. We had many sites to check-off of our Big Apple list in order to get the "full-experience."
Having just read The Harbinger by Jonathan Cahn, I added some historical landmarks to this ever-growing list. One warm afternoon, Kim and I made our way to the oldest part of Manhattan to experience Freedom Hall and locate George Washington's Bible. (Yes, I'm a nerd! I have pictures of George Washington's Bible as it was displayed under the glass case in the Freedom Hall museum.) This was the Bible that our first President used as he was sworn into office.
While living in the Big Apple, Kim and I shared many special memories. We often reflect on our "learning experiences" from our time there. So last spring, our hearts were deeply burdened by the black cloud that seemed to engulf the area. Covid-19 was attacking that region with a vengeance. As classrooms and businesses shut down across our nation, our office also decided to work remotely. Each morning as I prepared for my Zoom classes from my kitchen table, I watched daily updates on Fox & Friends. Devastating reports from New York continued in a downward spiral with many elderly suffering the worst fate; they died alone in nursing homes. It was a huge punch in the gut to so many family members of these beloved seniors. Little "Mrs. Sunshine", Fox & Friends' metorologist, Janice Dean, did not escape the horror. Always perky and positive no-matter-the-weather forecast, poor Janice was heart-broken. Truly devastated. Janice Dean lost both her mother-in-law and father-in-law during this time.
Politics, power, and personality certainly played an enormous role in the deaths of these seniors. It continues to be debated everyday- ALL DAY in the news media and on social media. Regardless of your position on this issue, we can all agree that the loved ones left behind are dealing with deep emotional hurt. Many of their wounds are just beginning to heal. It is my hope and prayer that as Americans can unite in praying for these families and learn valuable lessons so this crisis never happens again.
As I remember the dark cloud of death and disease that seemed to linger over New York, I asked the question, Why? Why had that region of our country seemingly suffered more than any other? Kim and I had made so many precious friends during our stay that summer of 2014. To consider that our precious friends were suffering this devastation was unthinkable. Hadn't these people suffered enormously just a few years before during the September 11th attacks?
As I wrestled with the Lord to try to understand, He reminded me of His holiness. Because He is holy and just, God disciplines those He loves. That was the message that He continued to reveal to me. It's Biblical. We can trace it time and time again in the Bible. This nation, We the People- ME INCLUDED - have turned our backs on Holy God. We have not allowed Him to be first place in our hearts and lives. We have been too busy chasing the "American Dream" instead of standing guard over the American Dream. It was only by Divine Providence that we defeated the British over two hundred years ago. But, We the People have allowed sin to creep into our lives little by little. A slow fade.
The "Trust but Verify" Policy slipped away with President Reagan. We the People allowed candidates with little regard for God's laws to be elected and/or appointed to offices at the city, state, and national levels. These godless leaders pursued falsified agendas. This corrupt leadership on both sides of the aisle continued to gain power-- ALOT of power-- TOO much power. When We the People gave them an inch, they took one-hundred miles! We ignored their immoral behaviors as we continued to pursue our "American Dream."
Less than fifty years ago the Roe v. Wade (1973) decision legalized abortions in our country. How far we drifted in such a realatively short amout of time! As a fifth-grader in 1982, I remember feeling privileged to accept a New Testiment Bible from the Gideons in my public school. In 1993, I began teaching in public school, and I remember when my students received New Testement Bibles from the Gideons. Yep. So much has changed in a relatively short amount of time. New Testement Bibles being given out in the public school in 2021 simply does not happen. It seems like a lifetime ago, but it wasn't. Please forgive us, Lord Jesus.
While We the People were busy making money, climbing the corporate ladder, raising our children, or just trying to keep our heads above water, we lost our way. We the People forgot or neglected the foundational principles that our country was built upon. We the People lost our purpose. We failed to reflect on the past. We grew accustom to conviences- fast food, convience stores, food delivery services. We the People lived for instant gratification. When crucial issues arose, We the People did not have time to work these issues into our busy, selfish schedules. We the People became lazy and trusted that someone else would fight for our foundational beliefs. Shame. On. Us. While we were so terribly distracted- We the People- lost sight of our most precious gift- the gift of life. Our children. Our future.
In early January, I listened to Jonathan Cahn's Harbinger II audiobook. I definately reccommend it, and I do not want to reveal too much as it is full of valuable information. However, there is one specific element explained in the book that I want share as it relates to New York and our entire country. Cahn explains in The Harbinger II that the Hindu goddess, Kali was projected onto the south side of the Empire State Building in 2015. This display was reportedly in efforts to raise awareness about wildlife extinction.(I'm not buying that any way you slice it- but judge for yourself.) If you know me, you can be certain that I researched the goddess, Kali immediately. And let me tell you- if I had seen her giant image projected and onto the side of the Emipre State Building as a child, I would have suffered from nightmares for weeks possibly years! Look it up. It is startling! But as an adult, it is even more disturbing! From the buddah garden, this Hindu goddess represents "distruction and dissolusion". (Not my words- visit the link) Kali means, "the Black One", and she is known to destroy ignorance. Her frightening appearance features "wild eyes, a protruding tongue, and a bloody sword." That is a mild description. There is definately more to her disturbing story. But don't take my word for it- do your own research.
So in 2015, the Empire State Building projects the image of Kali, Hindu goddess of distruction. Less than five years later, ambulance lights flashed to atop the Empire State Building to honor the first responders in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. Quite a contrast. First a symbol of distruction is displayed followed by a distress call only four years later? The symbols tell the story.
Hindu goddess, Kali Ambulance LightsWhile We the People were busy being BUSY, we allowed ungodly and corrupt leaders to gain political power and run or ruin our land. This is unacceptable! It will not be tolerated! It is now TAKE-BACK Time!
We the People must reassess our values!
We the People must determine our non-negotiable principles and foundational beliefs!
And We the People must STAND strong and stand together!
As in 1776, the only way We the People will win this battle for liberty is by the grace of God. There will only be a Take-Back if He allows our efforts to be successful. We are in the final hours. We the People must repent and pray.
To quote the "recently-canceled" children's author Dr. Seuss from his famous book, The Lorax:
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, Nothing is going to get better. It's not."
Powerful words found in a children's classic.
Yet it is in the God-breathed scriptures that I find hope and much-needed wisdom. These are the words that God spoke to King Solomon about the nation of Israel. I believe they are true for America today.
2 Chronicles 7:14 "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land."