Monday, November 15, 2010

The Blessing - part 2

   Earlier this Fall our small group began a marriage Bible Study based on the Song of Solomon. We began studying how Solomon, the wisest man in the world, talked to his wife.  He made beautiful comparisons about her building her self-esteem and love for him.  (No wonder he was labeled the "wisest man".)

   How odd that I studied Judah, the lineage of Jesus, then Solomon!  But God in His mighty wisdom was preparing me for a background knowledge so I could better understand the Blessing. 

    The Blessing is a book by Drs. John Trent & Gary Smalley.  In this book the smart guys explain how the approval of your parents affects how you view yourself and your ability to pass that approval on to your children.  They tell of so many people who perhaps unknowingly spend a lifetime striving for this acceptance. WOW! Responsibility Overload!!!
     Not really!! The Blessing is a privilege.  It dates back to Jacob and Esau. (Jacob- the father of Joseph & Judah.  The same Judah mentioned in the Christmas story- line of Judah from which Jesus descended. see Matthew 1:1-17.)  The "unconditional love and approval that come with the blessing is vital to our self-esteem and emotional well-being.  The authors detail the five elements of the blessing:
1. Meaningful Touch  2. A Spoken Message 3. Attaching High Value 4. Picturing a special future 5. An Active Commitment."

    This book contains biblical truths important to our children, spouses, and friends.  It details stories of broken and mended hearts.  It even emphasizes how Solomon spoke to his wife, the love of his life.  It describes vividly how Solomon's words built trust and value in his wife's heart.  How cool is that? This book highlighted the same biblical characters that I have studied the most in the past six months.  So do I think that God prepared me to read it! Absolutely! His plan, his time. I am always amazed!

    Most of all it left me with an opportunity to Bless my children so that can be all that God wants them to be!  The same is true for Ronnie and my friends. It takes a commitment, but I believe the end result is well worth the investment!  Visit the website: .  Buy and read the book. Let me know what you think about The Blessing.  And the next time someone sneezes and you say, "Bless You", the meaning will be an entirely different one!

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