Monday, December 27, 2010

Celebrate!! Lori's Last Chemo Treatment- DONE!!!

     Today is a very exciting day!  Lori has finished her last chemo treatment!! Now we must pray that she bounces back from this treatment quickly so she can be ready to start school next Wednesday.  Also, Lori will begin radiation treatments soon.  Please continue to pray for her and her family as she continues to recover!!! I'm sure going back to work will be difficult, but selfishly I'm THRILLED!!!!  God has done and continues to do amazing thing in Lori's life.  We serve an AMAZING God!!! 

     As I think about this journey, I am reminded of this verse in Genesis. "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." (Genesis 50:20 NIV).

The devil is always trying to render us useless.  But in this situation, the opposite occurred.  Lori (and her family) grabbed on to that "troubled grace", and they triumphed together with God's help.  Just as Joseph did in Genesis.  His brothers sold him into slavery, then Potiphar’s wife plotted to destroy him when he refused to commit adultery.  Still, God has a plan.  God used Joseph to feed his family, his country, and others in surrounding countries.  I guess that really proves that I can TRUST God no matter what!  Jeremiah 29:11 says, " For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  

     So let's celebrate Lori's last day of chemo, and stay tuned to what His plans are for all of us!!!
Now, we have a race to run.............  

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!!! These are two of my favorite Christmas songs by Amy Grant. (We go way back. And I mean WaY BaCK!!)  Enjoy!


 Breath of Heaven

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Jesus is our Sympathetic Resonance

This might be the best example of how much Jesus hurts when we hurt.  I heard it several weeks ago on my ipod while listening to David Platt. Then I listened to it again on my Saturday morning run. Wow!!! The God of the universe knows and has experienced all of my emotions, struggles, and hurts.  Unbelievable! I searched David Platt's notes from that teaching The Cross of Christ (the Secret Church).  It wasn't in the notes.  But I searched it and several people blogged about it after hearing the analogy.  What a beautiful picture of his love for us!!!  He is our Sympathetic Resonance. Read the blog taken from David Platt's message and say a special prayer for all who are hurting...

Romans 8:26
In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Counting My Blessings

  In my quiet times this week, I've been reading and really focusing on being truly thankful!  It shouldn't be difficult for me~ I live in the greatest country in the world!  I have a wonderful husband who loves me and two silly boys who keep me on my toes. I have awesome parents who pray for me daily.  Not to mention, I have my "dream" job with my "dream" team and work in a very happy place. And like the t-shirt says, "I love my church", and its staff who are helping us Love Loud in our community.   But sometimes I get a little sidetracked... like when I look on the floor in the utility room and see a small puddle of water and realize that my washer is not going to make it much longer. Or that I still owe Willis Knighton  for my "unexpected" surgery this summer.
  Then I am gently reminded of David Platt's message I heard Saturday  (during my lengthy race).  He said that if we make $25,000 a year, then we are in the top 5% of all the people in the world.  However, if you earn $50,000 a year then you are in the top 2% of the world's population.  Wow!! I'm rich! Yes, even by the world's standards I AM RICH. 
    Also, I am reminded of our Christian brothers and sisters in South Korea who daily fear for their lives and safety.  Somehow all my little problems seem a little silly.
    And even if nothing was going "right" in my little world, I know that, "there is nothing that can separate me from the love of Christ." 
    So, as I count my blessings, I am very thankful!  Thankful for my family &; friends! I'm thankful that  Lori is doing well and coming back to school in January!  I'm thankful that I live in this mighty nation! I'm thankful that my church and staff know and show how to LOVE LOUD in our city!And for my sweet fourth graders who haven't quite figured me out! For a vehicle to get me around, even if it needs new tires.  For a carton of eggs that cracked before I got them home from the store.... and yes, even for a leaky washing machine. 

Monday, November 15, 2010

The Blessing - part 2

   Earlier this Fall our small group began a marriage Bible Study based on the Song of Solomon. We began studying how Solomon, the wisest man in the world, talked to his wife.  He made beautiful comparisons about her building her self-esteem and love for him.  (No wonder he was labeled the "wisest man".)

   How odd that I studied Judah, the lineage of Jesus, then Solomon!  But God in His mighty wisdom was preparing me for a background knowledge so I could better understand the Blessing. 

    The Blessing is a book by Drs. John Trent & Gary Smalley.  In this book the smart guys explain how the approval of your parents affects how you view yourself and your ability to pass that approval on to your children.  They tell of so many people who perhaps unknowingly spend a lifetime striving for this acceptance. WOW! Responsibility Overload!!!
     Not really!! The Blessing is a privilege.  It dates back to Jacob and Esau. (Jacob- the father of Joseph & Judah.  The same Judah mentioned in the Christmas story- line of Judah from which Jesus descended. see Matthew 1:1-17.)  The "unconditional love and approval that come with the blessing is vital to our self-esteem and emotional well-being.  The authors detail the five elements of the blessing:
1. Meaningful Touch  2. A Spoken Message 3. Attaching High Value 4. Picturing a special future 5. An Active Commitment."

    This book contains biblical truths important to our children, spouses, and friends.  It details stories of broken and mended hearts.  It even emphasizes how Solomon spoke to his wife, the love of his life.  It describes vividly how Solomon's words built trust and value in his wife's heart.  How cool is that? This book highlighted the same biblical characters that I have studied the most in the past six months.  So do I think that God prepared me to read it! Absolutely! His plan, his time. I am always amazed!

    Most of all it left me with an opportunity to Bless my children so that can be all that God wants them to be!  The same is true for Ronnie and my friends. It takes a commitment, but I believe the end result is well worth the investment!  Visit the website: .  Buy and read the book. Let me know what you think about The Blessing.  And the next time someone sneezes and you say, "Bless You", the meaning will be an entirely different one!

The Blessing - part 1

   I am always amazed when I realize how much God loves me and desires a personal relationship with me.  Why would the creator of the universe long to have a relationship with little ol' me?  Well, I do know that it's nothing that I have done to deserve it.  I also know that He created me to worship Him and have a personal, intimate relationship Him. He loves me no matter what, even though there is nothing I have done to deserve it. Pretty cool!

    Well, knowing all of those things, why am I still shocked when I can see how He "plans" and knows my future?  He knows my past experiences, as well as, what my future holds.  This was so evident as I attended a teenage parenting conference yesterday at church. 

    Last Spring, I read a book on my iphone while at Nate's baseball practices.  It was The Lineage of Grace by Francine Rivers.  Then during the Summer, a group of us from school decided to do a Bible Study based on that book.  Wow!!!  So much to learn! So amazing to see the "earthly" family tree of Jesus.  I have  read the Birth of Jesus many times, and I always knew that Jesus was from the line of Judah.  But after reading The Lineage of Grace and studying Genesis 38, I know "the rest of the story....".

    Even as I was learning about the very interesting people from so long ago, God was preparing me or in teacher terms, "Building Background", so I could learn and apply what was presented at the parent conference this weekend.

   Exciting!!! The God of the universe loves me, knows where I am, and has a road map of my life... and He wants it to be great!!! For Him!!!

    Stay tuned!  More about the Blessing coming.....The blessing is for our spouses, our children, & our friends!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Top 10 Reasons I LOVE our LORI!! Happy Birthday, GIRL!!!

Tomorrow, October 21st, is my friend  Lori Gore's 39th birthday!! And this one's pretty special!!! So I started thinking of the TOP 10 Reasons I LOVE our LORI! So, here they are....

10. She's been my friend since the 4th grade at Apollo Elementary School! Now, that's been a long time ago.  And she's still my friend! (The early 80s~ when we wore "Lovit" jeans and Farrah hair)

9. In 5th grade, we were in the same homeroom.  We had Mrs. Ernesto, and I have our class picture on the side of my desk at school.  Dee Dee was in Mrs. E's class, too. (My classes love finding their teachers in that photo!) We wore our rabbit coats and thought we were all that!!!

8. We went to Greenacres JUNIOR High together!  We were Mustangs in Mrs. Ray's American History class!  English with Mama Moose!(Mrs. Maples)

7. We went on to Airline to become Vikings!  Lori is the reason that I'm spending my Tuesday afternoons learning Spanish after teaching all day!  When we took Spanish at Airline, I didn't learn too much!  Lori was in my class, and our teacher (who shall remain nameless) didn't like perfume because it bothered her allergies.  One day Lori decided she wasn't in the mood for Spanish so she took a perfume sample out of her purse and crushed it into the floor. Then she smeared it around the room.  When our nameless teacher arrived, she politely confessed that she had "dropped" some perfume out of her purse and it spilled onto the floor.  Lori wanted her to know so she could leave promptly before her allergies got to her! How sweet!! The nameless teacher left to go visit with "Rambo", the principal, and we got to visit with each  for the rest of the class period! 

6. We were/are the same height, size, hair color, even the same hair texture!  We have BIG Hair!  (Well, Lori had some big hair before she shaved it.  She has more hair than any bald person I've ever seen before!  And when it grows back~ it may get bigger!) We completed for the title, "Biggest Flirt"! Not sure who won, but it was a tight race!  People were probably confusing us!  Double Trouble!

5. We attended LA Tech University and became BULLDOGS!! Go DAWGS!!!

4. She is smart!  LOL! So smart that she came back to Bossier Parish to teach elementary school.  Now, finally, we are together at the same wonderful school, Legacy Elementary.

3. She can get into my dirty car or come into my dirty house, and I don't care!! I know she loves me whether my car is clean or my house is spotless.  Now that's a great friend!

2. She taught my youngest son 3rd grade!!! I think he may love her more than me!???! Oh dear!

1. She is my heroine!!!!  She's been through and is still going through her some tough chemo treatments, and every time I see her she has a genuine smile on her face! That smile, that glow, can only come from her faith and relationship with the Lord! What a witness she truly is to God's goodness!!!  Whether she's counting my tshirt order for FCA or running  our papers for the next week, she has a joy and peace that attracts others to her and ultimately to Him. WOW!  

Lori and I at AHS class of '89 20 year reunion! YIKES!  

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Initiative: JUST DO IT

Each month at school and church, we study a virtue. Virtue-a good or admirable quality. In September, we studied Respect.  Respect- showing others they are important by what you do and say. As a school teacher, I really like that one!

When I discovered October's virtue, I was thrilled.  I introduced the virtue to my class. My smart students knew what initiative meant on Friday, October 1! The VERY first day of the month.  We talked about initiative, and the students gave me various examples of where they would "see what needs to be done and do it"! I was so excited!! Now, I'd have the perfect class! Each and every student would always do their homework, remember/review their multiplication facts, clean up around their area each day, take up for the under-dog on the playground, make their AR goals, and of couse, put up their chairs up before leaving. My job was going to be a breeze!

But, I gave a multiplication quiz on Monday morning.  Not so good.  I cleaned under THEIR desks, around THEIR desks, and put chairs on top of THEIR desks on Monday afternoon.  Not so good. When returning into the building after recess today, the rug by the door was wadded and folded.  I knew someone would trip and fall at any time.  All stepped over the rug, but no one stopped to unfold it properly. I had to remind them of our virtue for October. Had they forgotten INITIATIVE? Didn't they SEE what needed to be done? So why didn't they just do it? 

I wasn't until I was in FX tonight at church that I finally understood!  I, too, am very good at seeing what  needs to be done.  I saw trash that should have been picked up under desks, chairs that needed to be put up, I even stepped over that very rug that I fussed at my students for not "fixing". It's the doing it part that I struggle with daily. God really got my attention.  When God shows us what needs to be done, it's our job- our responsibility- to do it.  I vividly remember that God told me something last year that He wanted me to do, and I still haven't done it! Oh, I have every excuse in the book- I'm busy, I have busy children, I'm tired, I don't have time, etc.! But it's sin! That's the bottom line! When God lays something on your heart, it is up to us to show "initiative" and JUST DO IT!

Jame 4:17 says, 
"Remember, it is sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it." (NLT)

That verse convicts me everytime I read it! If you are unsure of some things that need to be done, I can help.  This Sunday our church family has planned several outreach programs  in our community . These activities allow the entire family to participate! So if  you are looking to show initiative and not sure where to start, let me know....I can hook you up, but...  I bet you will come up with what is it? What would God have you do? JUST DO IT!!!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

SYATP- Wednesday, September 28, 2011

repost from last year: 9/22/10 SYATP

Last Sunday we were challenged to really worship.  Not just at church, but in our daily lives.  Our Sunday worship should be an out-pouring of the previous week.

Then, Doc explained to us that when we are worshiping,  Jesus is right in the middle of our worship. (if we are truly worshiping in spirit and truth)  He went on to explain that the angels and the Saints are in our midst as we worship.  Knowing that the Lord is in our presence when we worship is enough, but knowing that we are worshiping Him with the Saints, those that have gone before us, is pretty awesome!  After thinking about that, I realize that when I worship - I am worshiping with Old Testament Heroes! Ones like Noah, Abraham, Issac, Jacob, Joseph, Ruth, Rahab, & Ester, and New Testament Heroes -  John- , Mary, Peter, Paul, and Timothy. I even thought about Heroes of the American Revolution like George Washington and Nathan Hale. And my grandparents, Uncle Jack,  Bro. Jerry, Mr. Jerry, Mr. Tom; my sweet student, Molly, Katie, our babysitter,  my precious friend, Sharon~ Wow! What a CROWD!!! How awesome is that!?!!

After mulling this around for a week or so, I can't help but be fired up about Wednesday Morning at Legacy Elementary School.  This Wednesday, September 22, 2010 is SYATP- See You AT The Pole.  This is the day that students, teachers, and parents all over our country and world meet before school at the flagpole to pray for the school year.  We will pray and sing praises to our King, then have a devotion to start our school day.  I can hardly wait!  It's so exciting!!! And you can be a part!!!  Just meet at your school flagpole! So I started thinking......who will be at our flagpole? Not just who I can see with my eyes, but who will be there worshiping with me that I can't see? Humm.... Who will be at your flagpole?  See you Wednesday!

2 Corinthians 4:19
So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

Hebrews 12:22-24
 But you have come to Mount Zion, to the heavenly Jerusalem, the city of the living God. You have come to thousands upon thousands of angels in joyful assembly, 23 to the church of the firstborn, whose names are written in heaven. You have come to God, the judge of all men, to the spirits of righteous men made perfect, 24 to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel

Eph. 6:12 English Standard Version
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

September 11, 2001 We Will NEVER Forget!

I'll never forget when Lauren  came in my class and told me that the kindergarten teachers were watching TV in their pod because a plane hit one of those "tall towers in New York City."  I questioned her asking how could that happen- I remember asking, "How could the pilot not see those towers?". Assuming it was an accident involving a private aircraft, I began my day with my fifth grade class.
But not for long.  Phones began ringing. I was teaching at Apollo (without walls), and I could hear phones ringing all over the main building.  Before long, we (the teachers) were gathering at the edges of our classrooms where we could all discuss the information we were getting from the "outside" world.  We would teach a little, then huddle and talk, and pray, and teach some more.  (At one point during the day I thought the rapture would happen any minute, and I was getting excited.) But the day dragged on. We tried not to show our emotions to the students, but they began to "catch" on that something wasn't right. Having so many BAFB children at our school, we knew we couldn't explain the situation because they may become very alarmed.
Then the parents came to the school and began to check out their kids. The students that remained knew something was terribly wrong and wanted answers. Answers we did not have. I remember being told at one point that President Bush had landed at Barksdale Air Force Base.  I couldn't and didn't believe it! But it was true!
Fast forward nine years- Imagine trying to explain or "teach" a class of fourth graders who were infants at the time ( I know b/c Nate was an infant) of the attack about the events of 9/11.  With the exception of the military kids, many had no idea of the severity of the attack on our nation just nine years ago. I realize that they are young, however they are our future. Our children must know about the events of September 11, 2001, and how it changed our lives forever! They must know that we live in a nation where ordinary people became heroes that day!  I tried to explain to my own kids and my students that those Americans didn't wake up that morning and just "decide" to be a hero.  Those character traits were already developed.  I have a poster in my classroom that says, "Character- who you are when nobody is watching!" Those heroes had determination, loyalty, and devotion to their families and their country!!! It began to develop when they were children and continued to grow as they became adults. I'm sure they had no idea how things would unfold on the we will never forget, but their character was ready to handle any crisis with dignity and power. As I "preached" in my classroom yesterday- Iron sharpens Iron.  My prayer for my own kids, as well as my students,is that they will choose to cultivate friendships where they hold one another accountable and build each other up- hopefully possessing the same character traits as those who selflessly died on our behalf on 9/11/01.  WE WILL NEVER FORGET!!!

Here are a couple of the poems I wrote for my boys to recite at our American Heritage Poetry Contest. The first one is about Todd Beamer and the last one about Pat Tillman.

Pics of My Boys Reciting Poems about American Heroes!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Read a Good Book Lately?

What a relaxing long weekend!!! I love the beach, the sand, the waves, the sounds- I LOVE the BEACH! It is so relaxing, calming.  And what do you do on the beach? READ! (Well, the dolphins did give us a wonderful, private show two days in a row! And my friends and I do like to "people watch".) But, when we weren't watching the dolphins or the people, I was reading.

My sweet friend, Kasey, had loaned me a book, The Heart Mender by Andy Andrews.  I started reading it on Thursday and couldn't put it down. It was quite interesting to read, as it took place along the Gulf Coast between Gulf Shores and Pensacola.  Exactly where I was sitting - on that beautiful, white beach!  Pretty cool!  Then to read about the history included in the book during the early 1940s was amazing!

The Heart Mender is a book of history and forgiveness.  Under the title on the cover it says, "A Story of Second Chances". How cool is that?  This books traces how God always has a plan.  He is a God of second, and third, and fourth chances. He always forgives us even though we don't deserve it!  I encourage you to read this book and remember that we serve a forgiving and loving God who always sees the big picture.

*One side note- after briefly discussing this book with my dad, he said that he read a book that sounded much like it but had "something to do with an island". HA! It was previously published as Island of Saints. He had already read it!

Prayer Request:  My Uncle Dewey had a stroke this morning.  He is doing better and has been moved to a hospital in Little Rock. ( Thank you Lord for all you have done today for my family!)  Please continue to pray for him and his family and the doctors as they make decisions concerning his health.

Go find a good book to read and share it with someone you care about!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Limeades for Learning

We need your help!!!  Please vote for our project posted on Donor's  Sonic is helping fund projects posted by classroom teachers.  But we need your VOTE!  Please visit
and click "Find a Project".  Search by "location". State- Louisiana    district- Bossier-  School- Legacy Elementary- Project- "NIFTY Netbooks".  You must enter your email address to vote.  The first time you vote you will have to check your email to verify your address, then vote.  You have the option of having a reminder email sent to you daily so you can vote for your favorite project.  Each Friday, Sonic will fund the projects with the top votes.  So help us out if you can!  Then, keep checking to see if all of the projects at Legacy are funded. (Last year all of our projects were funded) Keep VOTING!!! Thanks so much!! Also, a special thank you to SONIC from all teachers!( Those Route 44s keep us going!)

Monday, August 16, 2010


Good News!!! Great News!!! WONDERFUL NEWS!!! Lori found out that her "nodes" were clear! Yay!!!! How exciting!!! Thank you for praying for her and her family. But don't stop! She still has a journey ahead of her, but we are so thankful for her AWESOME news.

Just thinking about this fantastic news makes me want to do a flip, a herkie, a cheer, a chest bump- (I live with boys) something~ so everyone will know this GOOD NEWS. (I better just high-five someone, or I may hurt myself!) My precious friend was sick, but she's getting well~! And I AM THRILLED!!!

And even during this part of her(our) journey, God is speaking to me. This is what he is saying:

God: "Princess, I love you so. I am so thrilled that your friend & my princess, Lori, is on the road to recovery! You know, she's my daughter, too!! I love her even more than you do. I know what's best for her, like I know what's best for you. Remember, I see the BIG Picture.
But, there is one thing I must know. You have spread the good news concerning Lori and her health in her temporary body. But how many people have you told about me today?"

Me: "YIKES!" or as Tony said yesterday~ "GASP!"

It's so easy for us to talk about the weather, or work, our kids, our plans, and schedules. It was very easy for me to tell others about Lori's wonderful news! But it's still hard for me to talk to people about what matters the most, their relationship with God.

Why is this so difficult? Why do I still have trouble proclaiming the Good News of Jesus to my peers and loved ones? It's not easy for me to reveal that my heart looked like our teenages did after a night of mud football (at the Back 2 School Bash- pics at the bottom)! Filthy! Dirty! Yucky! But, that is exactly what I looked like to God. I can never be good enough to earn my way to heaven. My only hope is Jesus. He was the sinless sacrifice for me so that I can have a relationship with God. And when I repented and asked him to forgive me, he did. 1 John 1:9 says, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." YIPEE!!! He washes our sins away, and we are white as snow! Now, that is something to cheer about!!! Good News!!! Great News!!! WONDERFUL NEWS!!! Something the whole world should know! Who are you gonna tell?

My kid is the dirtiest!!! He still had mud in his ear on the way to church Sunday Morning, but he didn't care! Oh my.....

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Prayer Request

Friends and Prayer Warriors,

I am asking you to pray for my special friend, Lori. She will have surgery tomorrow and selfishly I want her well NOW! I’ve been “discussing” this with my Heavenly Father alot lately. I know that He knows all of my request before I ask, but I keep reminding him.

In my Journey this morning, I read how we are to “Pray constantly.” (1 Thessalonians 5:17) I’ve been doing that alot lately. But it goes on to say that while we think it’s rude to ask someone the same thing over and over, God wants us to come to him with our requests as often as we need and not to be embarrassed about it. Then we are reminded how he “delights in our requests”, and we know He will answer them in His perfect timing. How do we know this? It goes back to what we learned as a child- “I can trust God no matter what!”

As we talk to him and share our requests, (sometimes over and over again) we get to know him just a little more. And isn’t that what he really wants from us? A personal relationship with him. And as that relationship grows, he is changing us from the inside out.

I like what Paul said in Ephesians 2:16-19, “I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know that this love surpasses knowledge- that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.”

Please remember Lori and her family in your prayers. Pray constantly and remember how much God loves us! (John 3:16)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Rigor, Relevance, & Relationships

Yesterday, the first day for teachers, we attended a half day in-service on Rigor, Relevance, and Relationships. While our speaker spoke about rigor and relevance in the classroom, he always went back to relationships. He told us of his own personal experience as a student. Had it not been for a special choir teacher, he would never be where he is today. He explained to us that he came to school because of the relationship he had with a special teacher. He came to school because he knew someone loved and cared about him and was holding him accountable. All of us need those kinds of people in our lives.

Tony Nolan, who will be speaking at our church this weekend, has a testimony much like our speaker. Because someone (I think it was a teacher) took a special interest in him, a foster child, he eventually came to the Lord. Now he serves the Lord as he shares his story around the country.

So there must be something to that “relationship” part of the 3 Rs. We know it’s true. At my sweet school, we are truly like family. Just this morning Mrs. Rene, our custodian, was praying for me! She told me first thing this morning! What a blessing to know that someone is praying for you! Yep, there is something special about the “relationship” part of the 3 Rs.

With a new school year ahead of me, it’s time for me to incorporate the 3 Rs into my classroom. Rigor, Relevance, and Relationships. Humm…. I think if I can develop the “relationships” with my students, then the other two will be much easier.

Maybe tomorrow will go something like this-
1. Treat others as you want to be treated.
“So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.” Matthew 7:12 (New International Version)

2. I will make the WISE choice.
“ If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind.” James 1:5-6

And I’m not quite sure how I’ll get the last one across in the public school, but I’ve got some WISE kiddos in my classroom. I bet they’ll point the way to the others.

3. I can trust God no matter what!
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths.”Proverbs 3:5-6

Perhaps my first week’s lessons should be entitled, “Everything I Know I Learned in KID ZONE”!

Maybe we should change the “Rigor, Relevance, & Relationships” seminar to what my pastor always says, “Faith, Family, & Friends”. I think that about sums it up!

Have a great first day of school!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Final Countdown...

One day! One day left of Summer Vacation! Where did the Summer go?

My quiet time this morning began like this, "Sit quietly in my presence while I bless you." (from book, Jesus Calling by Sarah Young~given to me by a dear friend) The end of the devotional says, "Take time to rest by the wayside, for I am not in a hurry. A leisurely pace accomplishes more than hurried striving. When you rush, you forget who you are and whose you are. Remember that you are royalty in My Kingdom." Yep! That's what it said for August 5th!
Then it was followed by the verses Psalm 37:7, Romans 8:16-17, and 1 Peter 2:9.
Psalm 37:7 says, "Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him...".
Oh, that sounds great, but can I really make that work? Doesn't God know that school starts next week! (and my nickname is Last Minute Lucy with the motto, "I work best under pressure"!)
Don't get me wrong, I love my job! I am very blessed to teach at a wonderful school with an excellent staff that I love dearly!
But, this time of year is CRAZY!!!! I have to get my room ready, make lesson plans, pack welcome folders, iron my children's uniforms, gather their school supplies- the list continues to grow! Then there's meeting upon meeting only to rush back to the school campus to "Meet Your Teacher" where I am supposed to present a calm, controlled appearance. Just thinking about it gives me additional fever blisters, tummy aches, head aches, and other "issues" that sometimes occur during stressful times.

Well, after I've had some time today to really think about this, I've come to the conclusion "Being Still" is exactly what God wanted me read this morning. He wants me to "Be still and Know " who he is even during the busiest times in my life.
So how am I going to accomplish this "being still"? I have a plan: (which is a huge start for me)
1. Begin each day with my Quiet Time by reading my bible, devotion, and prayer.
2. Listen to praise and worship music. (This always has a way of "re-focusing" my daily tasks.)
3. Pray more often.
4. Ask myself, "Will this make a difference in eternity?" If not, it should not bother me too much!
So that's my plan to "Be Still and know that I am God" on the busiest week of the year! Please hold me accountable!!! Help me "refocus" when I get off-task and remind me who He is and whose I am!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

It's All about Love

I just can't get this song out of my head today~ I love it! It says everything! See the lyrics below and check out Jason Gray's website .

More Like Falling in Love

Give me rules
I will break them
Give me lines
I will cross them
I need more than a truth to believe
I need a truth that lives, moves, and breathes
To sweep me off my feet
It ought to be
More like falling in love
Than something to believe in
More like losing my heart
Than giving my allegiance

Caught up, called out
Come take a look at me now
It's like I'm falling, oh
It's like I'm falling in love

Give me words
I'll misuse them
I'll misplace them
'Cause all religion ever made of me
Was just a sinner with a stone tied to my feet
It never set me free
It's gotta be
It's like I'm falling in love, love, love
Deeper and deeper
It was love that made
Me a believer
In more than a name, a faith, a creed
Falling in love with Jesus brought the change in me


By: Jason Gray and Jason Ingram

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Proverbs 27:17" As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

In Bible study Monday night we were discussing David and Bathsheba, and the consequences of their sins. We discussed how Nathan spoke with King David and told him a parable. (found in 2 Samuel 12:1-13.) It went something like this: There was a rich man and a poor man. The rich man owned many sheep and cattle. The poor man worked very hard to buy the one thing he owned, a lamb. The poor man loved his lamb and let it eat from his table and grow up with his children. One day a guest arrived at the home of the rich man. Instead of killing one of his sheep, he took and killed the poor man's lamb and served it to his guest. After hearing the parable, King David told Nathan whoever did this deserves to die. Then Nathan told David, "You are that man."

Wow!! Pointing out King David's sins must have been scary. What if Nathan had decided to let that situation just slide? But he didn't. Nathan could have lost his head for his bold statements! But because Nathan loved David enough to be honest with him, King David repented of his sins and was forgiven. His relationship with God was restored.

Psalm 139:23-24 says "Search me, O God, and know my heart, test me and know my thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life."

Then I started thinking, what if I was the kind of friend Nathan was to King David? Proverbs 27:17 says, "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

I want to be that kind of friend! The kind of friend that makes others stronger. I am so blessed to be surrounded by IRONMEN and IRONWOMEN that make me stronger each and every day. Thank you! I am working to become that kind of friend.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

What's in a name?

"Princess Lucy"~ yes, that's me. "Lucy" was my nickname, or at least I think that's what you call it. My mom has called me "Lucy" for as long as I can remember, and I kinda like it!
But the "Princess" part is kinda strange, especially if you know me. I'm not prissy, frilly, or girly. I have always preferred to wear hats rather than fix my hair, play outside rather than stay indoors, even mow the grass over clean the house. In fact, I've only been called a princess once, but that's a story for another day. But I am a princess! I don't have a crown, but I'm a princess. I don't wear beautiful gowns and dine in fancy rooms. But, I'm a princess. You see, I am the daughter of the King of Kings. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills. He died on the cross for my sins (John 3:16) and loves me with an everlasting love. ("I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness." Jer. 31:3) And if you know him personally, that makes you a princess (or prince) too!

*I know, you thought I married a prince. (I did! But I was already a princess!)