After reading the article, "Florida Concert Charging $18 for Vaccinated, $1,000 for Unvaccinated" from The Epoch Times, I was compelled to address the proverbial "elephant-in- the-room." I searched other sources about the breaking story before posting and each article provided almost the same information. Here are several other sources about the story:
To Whom It May Concern:
I have a few questions related to the article in The Epoch Times this morning. The article reports on the difference in concert ticket prices for vaccined and unvaccinated persons. According the the article, vaccinated people may purchase tickets to the concert featuring punk band, Teenage Bottlerocket, for $18 in advance and $20 at the door. For unvaccinated persons wanting to attend the concert, the price is $999.99. Immediately, a red flag flies up in my mind! And the question: Why?
According to the article, would-be concert-goer, Brittney Wigen, recently had the Covid-19 virus and still has the antibodies against the virus. She stated that she could obtain a doctor's note regarding her antibodies, but she does not want to take an experimental vaccine when it is not necessary for her at this time. Paul Williams, the concert promoter, said he would not accept a doctor's note about (Brittney's) or other concert goers' conditions because he is not a doctor. Oh really? Again, another red flag. That makes two flags waving violently inside my head.
According to, the second listed definition of discrimination is "treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person belongs rather than on individual merit". The article from The Epoch Times clearly states that Brittney Wigen possess the Covid-19 antibodies. If she is clinically immune at this time, why would she be forced to pay the higher ticket price? What is the goal here? Safety for all concert-goers? If she is a threat to no one including those that have been vaccinated, I am only left to assume that Brittney is suffering from discrimination.
After hearing of Brittney's circumstances, Ray Carlisle, singer and guitar player for Teenage Bottlerocket, offers a suggestion for those without the vaccine. In a somewhat derogatory comment included in the article, Carlisle states that those without the vaccine should create a Go-Fund Me and "all the other weirdo anti-vaxxers can help support you going..." to the upcoming concert. In other words, "Let them eat cake!"
If that isn't discrimination, I'm not sure what is. However the very definition of discrimination changes to suit the current situation. The word "discrimination" is even being used as a weapon, a scare tactic to force submission. Well, I'm calling foul! With God's help, no longer will I conform or back down to scare the tactics or bullies that try to accuse me of something that I know is not true.
When the illogical is deemed logical, --- something is strangely amiss. We need an army of engaged thinkers to rise-up and ask the tough questions.
As an educatior when my students ask questions, I am confident that they are engaged. We the People must transition into a nation of free-thinking, engaged Americans. Become an engaged student. Ask questions. Look for logic. Search for truth. Trust, but verify. Take responsibility for yourself and for future generations.
We the People must get out of the stands and get into the game! For far too long, many of us have allowed members of our US Military to fight our battles. Our military heroes and heroines (and their families) did not sacrifice for temporary or trivial beliefs. Not at all! Their sacrifice was and continues to be for the foundational principles that were ordained by God. These principles are so clearly stated in the Declaration of Independence.
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created
equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain
unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the
pursuit of Happiness."
On Memorial Day as we remember those soldiers and their families that paid the ultimate price for freedom, let us be grateful citizens that never forget their sacrifice. Let us take ownership of the responsibilities that we have been allowed only by the sacrifices of others that have gone before us. Finally, let us take an active role by investing our time and talents in our local communities. Only then will our nation begin to move back toward the ideals and principles that led our forefathers to establish this great nation, the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave.
I challenge you to begin today! Get involved! Do something! Ask those difficult questions. Start healthy conversations with family, friends, and co-workers that others shy away from. Resolve to stand for your beliefs. Understand that many will disagree with you. Determine to disagree without being disagreeable. Grow your love for others as you learn more about their opinions, hurts, and fears. And to think that it began on Memorial Day 2021 with an article about a ticket to a punk rock concert in Florida.
Your friend,
Patriot Princess Lucy