It is amazing to see how God continues to prepare my heart for His future plans ---without me realizing!
In the first session at the IDA conference, I was reminded of the extreme frustration I experienced when teaching summer school years ago. The pressure to push those struggling students forward (knowing remediation was required) was real! And extremely frustrating! Perhaps "heart-broken" was the best term for my emotional state when participating in that insanity.
Years later I am listening to educational specialists discuss the necessity of remediation for struggling students based on "scientific evidence". Really?!? It didn't take a rocket scientist or a neuropsychologist or a lengthy study to prove what I already knew to be true. The information was simply validation.
We all need to be validated! Our observations, experiences, pains, and struggles- all have a purpose! I certainly don't have all of the answers. However, it comforts me to reflect over those tough times and trace how He has prepared and continues to prepare my heart for what He has in store for the future.
My favorite verse is Jerermiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord- plans to prosper you & not to harm you- plans for a hope and a future."