Friday, October 30, 2015

Jeremiah 29:11

It is amazing to see how God  continues to prepare my heart for His future plans ---without me realizing! 

In the first session at the IDA conference, I was reminded of the extreme frustration I experienced when teaching summer school years ago. The pressure to push those struggling students forward (knowing remediation was required) was real! And extremely frustrating! Perhaps "heart-broken" was the best term for my emotional state when participating in that insanity.

Years later I am listening to educational specialists discuss the necessity of remediation for struggling students based on "scientific evidence".  Really?!? It didn't take a rocket scientist or a neuropsychologist or a lengthy study to prove what I already knew to be true.  The information was simply validation. 

We all need to be validated! Our observations, experiences, pains, and struggles- all have a purpose! I certainly don't have all of the answers. However, it comforts me to reflect over those tough times and trace how He has prepared and continues to prepare my heart for what He has in store for the future. 

My favorite verse is Jerermiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord- plans to prosper you & not to harm you- plans for a hope and a future." 

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Note to Lisa

Dear Lisa,

     I know we have had some serious discussions lately about our seniors or GRADUATES being ready for college life. We have listed many reasons they can't possibly make it without us-- their moms.  I mean we have reminded them to brush their teeth, wear deodorant, change their clothes, wash their nasty, greasy hair, and generally have decent if not good manners in public.  And now… they are headed to college!

    I vividly remember when my PT realized that your JJ would not be attending Apollo Elementary School with him!  There were many tears…. his and mine! He was heart-broken that his pre-school buddy would not be an Apollo Rocket!  It was quite painful!

   But, we lived and miraculously always ended up on the same team! Baseball, football, soccer, even basketball- scary!  UPWARDS BASKETBALL- now there's a story!  Those nasty, stinky boys spent weekends and weekdays together having fun and loving life…. and now they are headed to a university?! Yikes!

    Are they ready for the "REAL" world?! Do they know what is out there?  Can they really handle it without their moms?  You and I were quite uncertain until….

     Senior Mystery Trip 2015-!!! Oh my!  I was privileged to get to "attend" the infamous Mystery Trip! I would like to call myself a chaperon, but technically I wasn't!  Seriously!  They could have easily made it with out me! :/  How sad!

    It was an unbelievable trip for many reasons!  We toured NYC- my favorite! I got to zip line- and that precious Jack Jordan and Anna McGaha encouraged this old girl to get to the red trail! OH MY!  Jack was my savior when I really needed one!  We kayaked on the Hudson River! Amazing!  Then, we headed for Boston! (on a train….one of my childhood fears!- thanks Bobby!) I even did the trapeze! Go figure at forty-four!  Unbelievable!

    However, the most impressive lesson I learned was that this group- some of whom I taught in fifth grade- is ready for college! Girl, they are ready for college, for life, and well- prepared I might add!

   My heart swelled with pride each time one of those precious boys -not just PT and JJ- offered their seat on the subway to an elderly person, a woman, child, or handicap person.  They even carried those heavy red bags for the girls.  (yes, the ones that Bobby reminded the girls not to pack more than they could carry) LOL!  The associates of the hotels complimented their behavior, and the girl that took the tickets at Cod-Zilla Speedboat explained that she had never met such a respectful  group!  Huhhhh??!!

    Evidently, they are ready for college and ready for life!  (I can't believe I'm saying this)  I realize they have difficulty locating debit cards, keys, watches, wallets, and sometimes their shoes- (not sure how--follow the smell), but they got this! Really!!?!!!!

    I mean who are we to judge?  Right!???  Why shouldn't they be ready for college?? ???   We were grown when we got lost in Houston…all day…on my 40th birthday… right before a race….and had to eat Church's Chicken for my birthday lunch! Ouch!….  And unfortunately, (just between us) I am the genius that left all of my cash behind on our vacation to Disney last year… in my "other" purse! WoW! Good one!   And then there was the time… this last year… that I ordered Christmas cards.. with incorrect names…..not to mention misspelling "Century" on someone's graduation invitation…..Did I do that??????? Oh and could we ever forget when I made that unique baseball shadow box and mistakenly displayed  another teammates photo in my child's shadow box?? !!!  Will I EVER live that down????
     So it's safe to say that they are somewhat ready for university life!  EEEEKKKKKKK!!!!  They may lose their debit card, forget to wash their sheets, and possibly skip a class or two, even a shower or two….….but overall- they are ready! Prepared!!! Somewhere along the way they developed manners and use them most of the time! (I witnessed it)  These guys can successfully determine which subway line to take when in NYC and Boston- ----without my help.  :(  They effectively….. and politely communicate with strangers.  Amazing!   I 'm thinking…... they might be grown!    It's kinda scary, but true!    And secretly…..I'm proud!

    It is true that we have MANY stories of their childhood that only we can tell.  Stories of bloody noses, ambulance rides,  end-of-season surgeries,  injuries that only "3 Advil" could cure, and memories…….we have so many glorious memories!!!

      And after observing this unbelievable group - the Class of 2015 -on the Senior Mystery Trip, I am convinced that this might just be the guys and gals that change the world!!!!

     I'm so excited and can hardly wait to see what the future holds!  (We'll be their biggest cheerleaders all over again!!!)  We need them now more than ever to show love while defending our freedoms!!!!! Exciting times are ahead for this group, if they will just hold on to the Word and their love for the Lord!!!! What more could we ask for?

    True, we are gonna miss these stinky dudes when they leave for ULM and Louisiana Tech. However, there will be a few less articles of hold-your-nose-smelly clothing to wash……unless they bring them back home!!! Heee heee!

    Love ya,
    PTs mom



Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Modern Day Slavery- End It!

     As a classroom teacher for twenty years, there are special books that I ran across and committed to reading to each of my classes.  One of these "treasures" was Go Free or Die: A Story about Harriet Tubman written by Jeri Chase Ferris. I am a little unclear about the number of times I have read this book, but it must be over forty times because I just about have it memorized.  (It's wonderful!) I was recently reminded of this "treasure" for a rather strange reason.  
      Last Sunday night, I was once again forced to face a dreadful reality that exists in our community.  Sex trafficking. It's ugly, it's nauseating, it's shameful, it's for real, and it's right here.  Shreveport-Bossier City- we have a HUGE problem.  The sex industry is a multi-billion dollar industry.  In the sex industry, sisters, daughters, mothers, friends, and children lose their identities.  They become the property of another person.  Much like Harriet Tubman was the property of her slave owner, these women, teenagers, and children are held in bondage.  They are not allowed to leave.  They are forced to live as slaves with very little chance of freedom.
     Trying to explain slavery to fourth and fifth grade students was never easy.  Each time a class listened to Harriet's story, they asked how could people own other humans and treat them so inhumanely.  I never had an answer and never will!
     Harriet Tubman was mistreated by her owner.  Also, her sisters were sold into the deep South when they were very young.  So, it must have been devastating for Harriet's parents to watch them leave, knowing they were absolutely powerless to stop this so-called "business" transaction.  Perhaps that situation significantly contributed to the driving force that eventually led Harriet to become the slave population's deliverer, hence the name "Black Moses".  The book states that Harriet successfully led hundreds of slaves to freedom across the Mason-Dixon Line with the help of the Underground Railroad.  (Try explaining that one to fourth and fifth graders) The so-called Underground Roadroad was only made possible by the compassion exhibited by the Quakers simply because they believed slavery was wrong. It was the Quakers that opened their homes as "train stations" along the route.  The Quakers supported the cause by providing disguises, carrying slaves in their wagons, opening their homes, feeding the escapees, and praying for the slaves' safe journey to freedom. Risky, wouldn't you say?  Clearly, they were all in!  
     I am almost certain that "Black Moses" led nineteen groups of slaves to freedom without ever losing one life.  Nineteen groups!  When asked how she did this repeatedly, Harriet responded, "I only went where the Lord led me".  Wow!  Harriet demonstrated her faith in action.  
     Isn't it about time for some modern-day "Harriets" to come forward and lead our exploited children, teenagers, and women to safety??!!  I certainly believe it is!
     This problem is not going away! We must decide to do something about it.  I certainly don't have all the answers, but I can educate myself to discover the best ways the Lord can use my gifts and talents to help this hurting, neglected, forgotten group of people.
     The title "Go Free or Die" came from a motto that Harriet used to determine her future.  She would go free, or die trying.  I feel compelled to help those that are enslaved in trafficking. I believe they must be shown that the Lord loves them enough to die for them.  He offers healing and a unique freedom. These victims deserve the chance to experience His love and acceptance that is only possible in a personal relationship with him. What will you do to help?
     For additional information see:

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Don't Worry! Be Happy!

  Each time I see the Daraja Choir perform, I keep waiting for them to break out in the 1980s hit song, "Don't Worry, Be Happy!"  The way they sing and dance, there is no denying that joy of the Lord is certainly real to them.

Having visited both Kenya and Uganda in the last several years, I could argue that most of those children would probably have some worries in their lives.  Will my family have enough food to eat? Will I be allowed to continue with my education after the fifth or sixth grade?  Is there enough clean water for our village?  What happens if I contract malaria from the millions of mosquitoes carrying the deadly disease?  Just a few worries that I might have if I was a kid growing up in Kenya or Uganda…

But these kids…NO WAY!!!!  While I do believe these are real concerns for these children, you would never know it!  They sing, they dance, they love, they worship, they pray…..uninhibited.  It is truly amazing to witness.

 While in Africa, I remember the first time we prayed with some Kenyan ladies.  Their prayers were so beautiful, it was like a song or poetry.  They started with affirmation, followed by thanksgiving, then pleading for the Lord to bless their new American friends.  It was a truly humbling experience.  Many of these women had been rejected by their husbands,  and they were left with all of the children to manage, not to mention all of the daily chores that were now their responsibility.  Yet, they worshipped, they prayed, and they took time to develop relationships with their new American friends.  I certainly learned a lot from those ladies and obviously have much more to learn.

The Daraja Choir children follow the same mold.  After spending just a few hours with these precious ones, they are praying blessings on my family.  What?  It's AMAZING! They love on us, pray for us, and show us exactly what the JOY of the Lord really looks like in action.  (even after they tasted my cooking or lack thereof-)

I could make a list of all of my current "concerns" or worries for the day or the week or the month and so on… ( none of which are  of clean water or lack of food)  But these kids have already learned what Pastor Brad has been trying to teach us.  These kids- with all of their concerns and worries- they have learned what it means to  Thrive….  And I'm convinced it is because they have the joy of the Lord.

Nehemiah 8:10b says, "for the joy of the Lord is your strength."  So often I take my eyes away from my Savior and focus on my worries.  My new goal is to allow the joy of the Lord to become my strength, daily.  Thank you Daraja Choir with special help from Moses, Christopher, and Lindsay for reminding me and teaching me this valuable lesson!

Hakuna Matata! Don't Worry Be Happy! Oh Happy Day!

Check out the Daraja Children's Choir of Africa