Thursday, October 11, 2012

If you love a teacher...

     Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!   I love my children's teachers!!! They have been so supportive and played such a positive role in my boys' lives!  What a blessing they are to us!!! (that goes for all of my boys' teachers.....starting with Mrs. Quinlan!!!!!)

     I also love my principal, Pam Williamson!  She loves her staff, recognizes our difficulties, encourages us to do our best, and listens as we voice our concerns! Pam is bold and proudly defends the values that gave birth to this great nation!!! She continues to take a stand in our school and community. She made her thoughts crystal clear at our See You  at the Pole Rally sponsored by the FCA in late September.  Thank you Pam!  

      As some of you may be aware, Governor Bobby Jindal and the Louisiana Legislature passed many changes relating to teachers and education in the 2012 regular session.  These changes have caused great concern to educators.  

     I am making a request- if you love a teacher- please investigate some of the new legislation or/and ask your child's teacher about some of their concerns. Teachers need the support and input of the local parents and citizens.  Let's work together to provide the best educational environment for our most prized possessions, our children.

Informative Blog-

Ways to voice your concerns please contact: