Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I Am Poetry

My students are writing "I Am" poems, and they are so creative.  Oh, I did this in high school.  My mom even found my "I Am" poem and gave it to me when I was teaching poetry a few years ago.  Amazing how "I Became" my "I Am" poem!~ LOL!!  Almost, anyway!  Well, I did "misplace" that one so I decided to try it again.... Here's my latest attempt...

I am forty and funny~
I wonder why we hurt so much?
I hear the brush of angels’ wings protecting me from unseen danger~
I see the signs- the rapture is soon!
I want my boys to make wise choices!
I am forty and funny~

I pretend I am a long-legged fast runner!
I feel like an Olympic champion as I cross the finish line-
I touch the future, daily.
I worry our children will never understand the sacrifices made by our country's forefathers!
I cry when others hurt so much-
I am forty and funny~

I understand that God is sovereign and in control.
I say “I can trust God no matter what”!
I dream my boys will be missionaries?
I try to put others first-
I hope my students will learn to love to read, but mostly that God has a wonderful plan for their lives-
I am forty and funny!

Your turn! Looks easier than it is!!!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Palm Sunday

   " I don't think I'll ever think of Palm Sunday the same way again!" Those were my thoughts as I reflected on what this day means in my life.  But let me back up a bit....

     You see, there is a couple (that I don't know very well), but this precious couple provides a home to children who don't have  a place to call home.  They are foster parents.  It is my understanding that they are parents, grandparents, and now foster parents.  They provide a  home, a safe refuge, to some kids that know more and have seen more evil than most of us can possibly imagine.  That job doesn't sound like it could be alot of fun.  The fact is - it probably isn't.  This couple probably doesn't receive many high-fives, pats on the back, or thank you notes, but I believe they realize their reward will come later.  

    There are two things I do know about this remarkable couple:
      1. Their "family" attends church regularly!!!
      2. They take their "family" fishing.  And they LOVE it!!
(Now, this wouldn't be that different for many of our children.  They've been in church since birth, and they know I enjoy taking them fishing.) But for these kids, church and fishing are a real treat. Many have never been to church before, and most have never been fishing!   I am certain that this couple is impacting their world (mine, too) because I have evidence....... it's in their writing!

      About two and a half months ago, I assigned my students a writing topic about a Magic Carpet Ride.  I had given them a "Rock Star" Writers Checklist reminding them to include figurative language, vivid vocabulary, and a few other elements. Imagine my surprise as I began reading one particular student's writing about visiting Sarah Palin's  Alaska on his magic carpet.  Very creative!! And, it was pretty awesome that he was interested in Sarah Palin's Alaska, as this wasn't your typical republican. He used personification as he mentioned the evergreen trees smiling as he tried to land his magic carpet.  But it's the next part that really got me.  He used figured language and explained how he felt like "Jesus riding the donkey through the streets on Palm Sunday" with all the people singing, "Hosanna!" and welcoming him to Alaska.  I couldn't believe my eyes!  First Sarah, now Jesus?  And he knew the story, and used it in his creative writing!  I was so shocked that I ran down the hall to another teacher on his "team", had her read the paper, and we cried! And laughed! And read it over and over!!! 
     Later, we asked him about it.  He told us all about Jesus on Palm Sunday and Sarah Palin. I'll never forget that conversation!
    It made me realize not just the sacrifice, but the influence of  that precious couple on the children that come into their home. Their commitment to the Lord and those children who, for whatever reason are not living at home, is selfless and remarkable.  They are making a difference!!!  And those kids are "getting" it!! 
    As David Platt says,"Radical Sacrifice equals Radical Reward"! 
   For the record, I will never think of Palm Sunday without thinking of Sarah Palin and her evergreens singing "Hosanna" to the King.  And a precious couple who could be quietly enjoying their "golden" years, but instead choose to love a stranger's kids and point them to the Savior~ so one day these children will be Fishers of Men!!! Can I get a "HOSANNA!"?!


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My Favorite Things...

My Favorite Things
(Princess Lucy Version)
Gummie Lifesavers and ebooks for my kindle,
Chocolate chip pancakes just off of the griddle,
Grandma’s purple irises, a splashing fish on my string,
These are a few of my favorite things-

Days by the pool and fun hats to wear,
Training for a race with a friend there to share.
Pink Gerber Daisies that were made by my King,
These are a few of my favorite things-

When I'm cranky-
During LEAP test week,
When I'm feeling sad-
I simply remember my favorite things,
 and then I don’t feel so bad!

(Verse 2 :)
Jars of Peter Pan Smooth Reduced Fat Peanut Butter,
Crashing waves on white beaches, monarch butterflies aflutter,
York peppermint patties and bright kites on a string,
These are a few of my favorite things....

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Top 10 Things I learned the Week before LEAP Testing

10.  I need to do a better job teaching geography- perhaps after the pledge and Legacy Expectations, we should recite the state, country, and continent on which we live. hummmmmm.......

9.  4th Graders can understand "satire" - we read the book, Testing Miss Malarkey! They loved it!!! I think they quickly identified with the main character and perhaps they think Miss Malarkey and Mrs. Coker share a few characteristics also.

8.  They continued to understand "satire" as we read Dr. Seuss's last work- one he never finished, but Jack Preletsky and Lane Smith did.  Hooray for Diffendoofer Day! celebrates creative students and their crazy teacher Miss Bonkers, who taught them how to think.  Again, the students must take a test, but using their creative minds, they passed with flying colors.

7.  New students do arrive the week before testing. Thank you Lord, she's sweet!

6.  Testing AFTER Spring Break is tooooo late!!! They have peaked!!! Scary!

5.  Fourth graders are thrilled beyond belief about a week of no homework - they keep asking, "We won't have ANY homework?"

4.  Fourth graders are focused - not on LEAP- but on field day! of course!!

3.  I am optimistic that most can respond to a reading and responding question that indicates "use details from the story".  Perhaps that's wishful thinking... LOL!

2. I can consume an entire large jar of Peter Pan Reduced Fat Smooth Peanut Butter in 6 days! YIKES!!!! Has to be a record.

1.   The same virus from which my four fever blisters originated is also responsible for shingles.  Google it!! It's for real!!! 

It was a very interesting week, but I believe Phil. 4:13: "I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me."
I can not do it on my own, but with His help I can do anything.  BRING. IT. ON.

Pray for all of our kiddos that will be testing this week.  Pray for their teachers and administrators. I'll keep you posted.  I'm sure something interesting will happen. It usually does!!!